Loddon Shire has adopted a Road Management Plan and a Road Asset Management Plan which set out reasonable standards in relation to how Council will fulfill its responsibilities in respect to maintenance and renewal of its public roads and associated road-related assets.
The Road Management Plan and Road Asset Management Plan have been developed to address requirements of the State Government’s Road Management Act 2004 (the ‘Act’).
The Road Management Plan (RMP) primarily identifies how Council will routinely inspect and maintain its road network. This plan provides technical information relating to how various defects or hazards identified through the local road network will be addressed, including the expected timeframe between the identification and reporting of a hazards and when such hazards/defects will be fixed.
The Road Asset management Plan (RAMP) looks at the long term financial and operational management of the local road network inclusive of maintenance, renewal or upgrade works. The RAMP sets out various strategies regarding the levels of service (e.g. surface type or width) to be provided by the local road network and eligibility of roads for either renewal or upgrade.
Both plans provide a framework for relevant standards and policy in relation to Council’s road management responsibilities.
They provide a technical guide of how Council plans to manage the road network, within existing budgetary constraints, ensuring the community is provided with a road system that returns optimum economic benefit to the rate payer while recognising and addressing social, safety, environmental and transport network concerns.