Emergency management

Emergencies can happen at any time and are often unexpected. Loddon Shire, like most places, is more prone to some types of emergencies than others, for instance flood.

While Loddon Shire Council and emergency services are here to assist you in the event of an emergency, there are things you can do to ensure the safety of your family, house or business.

Community Information Guides (CIG)

Community Information Guides - Bushfire (formerly known as Township Protection Plans) are a key source of information for the community and an important tool to emphasise the shared responsibility between the community, fire services and local government.

Guides have been developed for a number of communities statewide that are deemed to be at risk of bushfire or grassfire.

An alphabetic list of all Victorian community information guides can be accessed on the CFA website

Neighbourhood Safer Places Plan (NSP)

The Loddon Shire Neighbourhood Safer Places Plan contains guidelines which have been developed by the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) to assist the Council in:

  • identifying
  • designating
  • establishing
  • maintaining and
  • decommissioning places as 'neighbourhood safer places' or 'places of last resort' (NSP or PLRs) within its municipal district.

NSP or PLRs are not community fire refuges or emergency relief centres; they are places of last resort during the passage of a bushfire, and are intended to be used by people whose primary bushfire plans have failed.

NSP and PLRs are places of relative safety - they do not guarantee the survival of people who assemble there. Furthermore, there may be serious risks to safety encountered in travelling, and seeking access to NSP or PLRs during bushfire events. Depending on the direction of a particular fire, it may not be a safer place to assemble than other places within the municipal district.

Where the criteria contained in the Loddon NSPP cannot be met, NSP or PLRs will not be designated.

Further information and the location of your nearest NSP can be found on the CFA website.

Donations and Fundraising

Sometimes the best way to ‘help out’ is to make a donation or pledge to a registered charity.

We often want to help in an emergency by donating things like food, furniture, clothes and white goods.

But this can lead to an oversupply and brings on challenges to coordinate, collect, store and distribute food and goods to people in need.

Everyone’s help is vital in an emergency but often the best help you can give is through cash donations that way the money can be used to buy specific goods or services that are most in need and there’s no risk of oversupply.


If you are making a donation make sure you’re dealing with a legitimate fundraiser. You can do this by:

  • donating to well-known relief organisations with a strong record in providing aid – be wary of giving money to an unfamiliar charity
  • donating at your local bank
  • only handing money over to someone wearing proper identification
  • asking for a receipt
  • make sure collection tins/containers are sealed and clearly labelled with the fundraisers logo


Sometimes, just making a donation doesn’t feel like enough. If you want to do more, you can help raise funds through your workplace or a community group or sports club. For example you could organise a morning tea at work and ask for a gold coin donation to go towards a nominated charity.

Make sure you make it clear what you are raising funds for and let the participants know how they helped.

Emergency Contact Numbers

Emergency Contact Phone Number
Police, Fire, Ambulance 000
Loddon Shire Council (03) 5494 1200 (24 hour service)
Victoria State Emergency Service 132 500 (Storm and flood assistance)
1300 842 737 (Storm and flood information)
VicEmergency Hotline 1800 226 226
Coliban Water 1300 363 200
Goulburn-Murray Water 1800 064 184
Powercor 13 24 12

Bureau of Meteorology

1300 659 217
Weather, flood warning information and flood levels
VicRoads 1300 659 217
131 170 (24 hour Traffic Hazard Report & Advisory Service)

Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

School closures/openings

Department of Human Services www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au (health information for floods)
Grants and support

Department of Environment and Primary Industries
Small Business Mentoring Service
Natural Disaster Clean up and Restoration Grants

Wellbeing support Lifeline phone 13 11 14
Beyond Blue phone 1300 224 636
Kids Helpline phone 1800 551 800
SANE Australia phone 1800 187 263

Emergency Information Websites

Organisation Service Description
ABC Bendigo

Local news and emergency updates

Coliban Water

Information regarding your water supply and bushfires

Country Fire Authority

Information on total fire bans, bushfire information and current fire updates

Department of Health

Information on health impacts during emergency situations

Department of Human Services

Flood information and emergency management at a state level

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Information regarding bushfires, warnings and animal disease outbreaks and compensation for lost stock in times of emergency.

Emergency Alert Information regarding the Emergency Alert System including frequently asked questions.

Emergency Management Australia

Information about Emergency Management within Australia

Flood Warning Service (BOM)

Track weather warnings regarding rainfall and floods. Also links to gale and thunderstorm warnings.


Geoscience Australia is developing models, methods, information and toolsto analyse hazard risk and impacts as well as building scientific capacity within government and technical agency.

Flood Victoria

Information regarding floods

Parks Victoria

Information regarding road closures and general conditions on Parks Victoria land.

Red Cross

General Information regarding Red Cross activities in time of emergency


Emergency planning information for your pets

State Emergency Service (SES)

Information regarding flood preparation


Traffic alerts, road closures, road conditions and road works locations

Victoria Police

General Information on community safety

Wildlife Victoria

Information regarding the rehabilitation and rescue of wildlife caught in environmental emergencies.

Emergency Management Terms and Definititions

Terms Definitions
Bushfire prone area An area where the combination of the amount, the type of vegetation and the topography of the area increases the likelihood of fire ignition and spread.
Community Emergency Risk Management (CERM) Identifies potential risks or hazards to community safety and analyses the likelihood and consequences of those risks occurring. These risks are prioritised and decisions are made about mitigation and treatment options.
Community Recovery Committee (CRC) A CRC is usually convened after a major emergency to provide a management forum for the recovery process in an affected area or for a specific community. It is usually established within the affected area.
The actual or imminent occurrence of an event which in any way endangers or threatens to endanger the safety or health of any person in Victoria or which destroys or damages, or threatens to destroy or damage, any property in Victoria or endangers or threatens to endanger the environment or an element of the environment in Victoria, including bushfire, earthquake, flood, wind-storm or other natural event, explosion, road accident or any other accident, plague or an epidemic or the disruption to an essential service.
Emergency exercise The Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) is responsible for the planning, writing and conducting of operational or discussion exercises to test the Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP).
Emergency management The organisation and management of resources for dealing with all aspects of emergencies including prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
Emergency Management Act Provides for the organisation of emergency management in Victoria through prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
Emergency Recovery Centre A building or place established in close proximity to the emergency affected area and community after the emergency is over. It becomes a meeting place for the affected community.
Emergency Relief The provision of essential needs to people affected by, or responding to an emergency.
Emergency Relief Centre (ERC) A building or place established to provide emergency relief to people affected by, or responding to, an emergency. Usually opened away from the affected area.
Fire Danger Period (FDP The FDP is declared by the CFA each season as a regulatory means of restricting the types of fires allowed to burn in the open air during times of higher fire danger.
Flood Management Overlay (FMO) Maps of identified areas of heightened risk to life and property from floods.
Flood prone area Any area that is low lying and in close proximity to a water source.
Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre (MECC) The MECC is located at the Council Offices, High Street, Wedderburn. The MECC coordinates the provision of human and material resources within the municipality during emergencies.
Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) The MEMP identifies municipal resources and other resources for use in the municipal district for emergency prevention, response and recovery; and specifies how these resources are to be used in emergency prevention, response and recovery.
Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) Is responsible for planning, documenting and conducting operational or discussion exercises to test the Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP)
Municipal Fire Management Planning Committee(MFMPC) Comprises members from organisations which have emergency management responsibilities or special expertise or resources essential to the development of Council’s MFMP.
Municipal Emergency Resource Officer (MERO) Is responsible to Council for activating and managing municipal resources in the response phase of an emergency.
Municipal Emergency Response Coordinator (MERC) The officer in charge at the Wedderburn Police Station who, during an emergency, passes on information from the control agency to the MERO.
Municipal Fire Management Planning Committee (MFMPC) Advise and make recommendations to Council in the preparation and maintenance of its MFMP.
Municipal Fire Prevention Officer (MFPO) The MFPO is responsible for implementing the MFMP and has the regulatory power to issue permits to burn to fire brigades and members of the public during the declared FDP.
Municipal Fire Management Plan (MFMP) A strategic document that deals with all fire risks in the municipality by assisting in the reduction of or minimises the risk of fire events that cause loss of life, livelihood, community assets and adverse damage to the environment.
Municipal Recovery Manager (MRM) Is responsible for managing municipal resources in the recovery phase of an an emergency.
National Registration Inquiry System (NRIS) A system of registration and inquiry designed to provide families and close friends with basic details on the whereabouts and safety of persons affected by an emergency. The NRIS is available at an ERC.
Personal Emergency Plan A plan that has been developed with all people living in a house to identify the actions that will be taken in the event of an emergency. Plans can be developed specifically for bushfire or flood, or general emergencies.
Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery (PPRR) A national framework utilising an integrated approach to managing and planning for emergencies.
Recovery The assisting of people and communities affected by emergencies to achieve a proper and effective level of functioning.
Response The combating of emergencies and the provision of rescue and relief services.
Single incident An incident in a fixed location and can be managed with limited resources in a short time frame, e.g. house fire
Sustained incident An incident that escalates over several hours, days or weeks and requires substantial resources (human and material) to be managed.
Total Fire Ban (TFB) A TFB is declared on days when the danger of fires occurring is high, when fire would spread rapidly and be difficult to control.
Wildfire A rapidly burning fire in a natural setting. It can take several forms, e.g. bushfire, grass fire and peat fire.
Wildfire Management Overlay (WMO) Maps of identified areas of heightened risk to life and property from wildfire.

Emergency resources for parents, Babies and toddlers

Caring for a baby or toddler in an emergency can come with specific challenges.

This series of fact sheets below are specific to emergencies such as bushfires and floods. They will help you to feed and care for your baby safety through an emergency. There are 6 Fact sheets covering the following topics:

  • Breastfeeding
  • Expressed Breastmilk (EBM)
  • Hand Expressing
  • Cup feeding
  • Blackouts (power outages and frozen breastmilk
  • Formula feeding

The collection of resources for parents and anyone who supports families in emergencies or disasters is continually growing. Here you can download these fact sheets, evacuation kit lists, project reports, social media templates and more.
