To ensure that value for money is obtained, Council undertakes purchasing directly, and also utilises Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) procurement contracts, Procurement Australia contracts, and whole of government contracts for the procurement of goods and services.
Contracts to provide Council with goods, services or works are awarded via a quotation or tender process.
The Local Government Act documents the thresholds for public tenders, refer to Council’s Procurement Policy(PDF, 226KB) for purchasing thresholds.
Council operates a decentralised purchasing system and requests for quotations may come from various authorised Council staff members.
Tenders / Contracts
Each tender will have a Council officer nominated as a primary contact for all enquiries.
Council uses eProcure online portal. To view current tenders or to submit a tender response, register at eProcure, registration is free and all tender submissions must be lodged electronically through the portal.
Please direct all tender questions through the online Question Forum once you have logged in.
Tenders are evaluated on a range of criteria, which is outlined in the tender documentation. The successful respondent is awarded a contract for a set period of time. Work should not commence until the contract documents have been signed and, where applicable, a purchase order and/or letter of acceptance received.
For current tenders, please click here
Expressions of interest
Council may invite expressions of interest prior to inviting tenders. Expressions of interest are advertised in the same way as a tender. Once an expression of interest process has been completed, a short list of successful respondents may be invited to tender on the proposal.