Doing business with us

Loddon Shire Council undertakes substantial procurement of goods and services each year.

Section 108 and 109 of the Local Government Act requires a Council to prepare, approve and comply with a Procurement encompassing the principles processes and procedures applied to all purchases of goods, services and works.

Our Procurement Policy(PDF, 226KB)  sets out its broad purchasing principles and objectives. Its intent is to:

  • achieve value for money for ratepayers
  • conduct activities in a fair and ethical manner
  • obtain the right outcome when purchasing
  • ensure that Council resources are used efficiently and effectively
  • promote consistency and control when purchasing goods, services and works 

Supplier compliance

Becoming a supplier

Council maintains a register of compliant suppliers. This register is a record of all suppliers who have undertaken works, services or supply to Council, and have undertaken the compliance process.

Suppliers remain on the register unless they cease to meet our requirements or have not supplied Council in a two year period.

Suppliers must be compliant before commencing any works with the Council. New suppliers will be required to:

  • provide compliance documentation e.g. insurance, OH&S etc.
  • complete finance form i.e. new supplier form
  • review Council policies and guidelines

Compliance and policy documents

The type of purchase (i.e. goods, services or works) and risk level to the Council determines the level of compliance documentation that you will be required to provide.

Compliance documentation examples:

Maintaining compliance and business details 

It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure compliance documents are current to maintain their compliant status, noting being a compliant supplier is not a guarantee of works. An automated email will be sent to the supplier upon expiry of insurance or licencing documentation requesting updated copies to be emailed. 

It is the suppliers responsibility to ensure they notify Council of any changes to details such as contact details, banking details and ABN as soon as possible. On an annual basis an automated email will be sent to the supplier asking them to review their details and notify of any changes if necessary via email. 

More information on supplier/contractor compliance refer to Compliant Contractor Guidelines(PDF, 372KB)

Finance/New Supplier Request form

To enable suppliers to be set-up on Council’s finance system, a completed Supplier Request form(XLSX, 1MB) is required.

Use this form to contact Procurement for assistance on the compliance process

Type the characters you see in the image below * (Required)

Procurement, contracts and tenders

To ensure that value for money is obtained, Council undertakes purchasing directly, and also utilises Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) procurement contracts, Procurement Australia contracts, and whole of government contracts for the procurement of goods and services.

Contracts to provide Council with goods, services or works are awarded via a quotation or tender process.

The Local Government Act documents the thresholds for public tenders, refer to Council’s Procurement Policy(PDF, 226KB) for purchasing thresholds.


Council operates a decentralised purchasing system and requests for quotations may come from various authorised Council staff members.

Tenders / Contracts

Each tender will have a Council officer nominated as a primary contact for all enquiries.

Council uses eProcure online portal. To view current tenders or to submit a tender response, register at eProcure, registration is free and all tender submissions must be lodged electronically through the portal.

Please direct all tender questions through the online Question Forum once you have logged in.

Tenders are evaluated on a range of criteria, which is outlined in the tender documentation. The successful respondent is awarded a contract for a set period of time. Work should not commence until the contract documents have been signed and, where applicable, a purchase order and/or letter of acceptance received.

For current tenders, please click here

Expressions of interest

Council may invite expressions of interest prior to inviting tenders. Expressions of interest are advertised in the same way as a tender. Once an expression of interest process has been completed, a short list of successful respondents may be invited to tender on the proposal.

Purchase orders, letters of acceptance & Invoicing requirements

Purchase order terms and conditions

Standard conditions of purchase(PDF, 83KB)

  • Council's standard payment terms are 30 days from the receipt of a correctly presented tax invoice to Accounts Payable department.
  • The purchase order or contract reference number must be quoted on all tax invoices.
  • Council officers do not have the authority to make discount arrangements or early payment arrangements with suppliers.
  • There is no guarantee of payment for goods and/or services provided without an official purchase order or letter of acceptance.
  • No goods, services or works should commence, without an official purchase order or a letter of acceptance being issued to the supplier.  The only instance where an order or letter is not required is where Council's corporate credit card is used or for the supply of utility related accounts.
  • All Council purchase orders are issued by authorised staff and pricing is exclusive of GST.
  • Conditions of order are stated on Council's purchase orders. It is recommended that the conditions be reviewed prior to conducting business with Council to assess their impact, if any, on your business.
  • If the purchase order is being raised as part of a contract arrangement, the conditions of the contract will prevail over the conditions of the purchase order.

Letters of acceptance

If you are successful in a tender for the carrying out of works, you will receive a Letter of Acceptance with a contract reference number from the authorised officer responsible for administrating contract arrangements.

Invoice requirements/submitting invoices

  • The purchase order or contract reference number must be quoted on all tax invoices.
  • Preferred method of submitting invoice/s is through emailing accounts payable to expedite the payment process.

Payment methods

  • Preferred payment method is by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

Use this form to contact Accounts Payable for assistance or if your details have changed

Type the characters you see in the image below * (Required)


Doing business with Local Government

A 30 minute training module has developed by the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) as a guide for suppliers. Please click the following link: MAV - Doing business with Local Government.

Supplier Guide to doing business with Local Government(PDF, 367KB)


What is Loddon Shire Council’s ABN number?

Council’s Australian Business number is 90 925 450 534

Does Council prefer to use local suppliers?

Council’s procurement policy actively encourages Council staff to support businesses in the local community where possible.

Why haven’t I been paid?

Council is committed to paying suppliers promptly.  If you have not received payment of your invoice within 30 days, the invoice may not have been received by the Accounts Payable department, or there may be a reason for withholding payment.

Please contact the Council Officer that placed the order with you to ascertain why payment has not been made.

I haven’t received a copy of my purchase order?

Please contact the Council Officer who engaged you to have a purchase order provided to you.

I am a new supplier to Council; what do I need to do?

Council requires certain information from you, including:

  • business name
  • contact details
  • ABN number
  • banking details.

Council will also require you to undertake the compliance process, providing to Council appropriate up to date insurances, safety systems, licences, etc. relevant to the goods, services and works being undertaken.

The Council Officer that has engaged you will provide you with appropriate paperwork for you to complete.