
Infant immunisation program

Council’s infant immunisation program visits Boort, Inglewood, Pyramid Hill and Serpentine on a rotating roster.

To find the next session; please view Council's Infant Immunisation Program(PDF, 104KB)

Appointments are required.  You may make a booking by

When making a booking, please provide the following details:

  • booking type, eg. immunisation
  • your child's name and date of birth
  • your preferred centre/town
  • your preferred appointment date and time
  • your contact details.

For further information regarding Council’s immunisation program call 0409 166 891

You are reminded to allow 15 minutes waiting time following your child’s immunisation.

Please bring your Medicare Card and your child's Child Health Record Book to each session.

Council maintains a database of all immunisations administered at Council sessions.

Information on immunisation is then supplied to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

What is immunisation?

Immunisation protects children (and adults) against harmful infections before they come into contact with them in the community.

Immunisation uses the body's natural defence system mechanism – the immune response – to build resistance to specific infections. Immunisation helps children to stay healthy by preventing serious infections.

Visit the Department of Health website for information on immunisation in both English and other languages.

Council’s immunisation service

In Victoria, Council and general practitioners are the main providers of immunisation to the community.

Council provides a full range of free immunisation services including immunisation against:

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis
  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • Hepatitis B
  • Meningococcal C
  • Chicken pox
  • Pneumococcal disease
  • Rotavirus

What vaccines and when?

The immunisation schedule for infant, preschool and adolescent vaccinations is set by the National Health and Medical Research Council. For further information on the current Victorian immunisation schedule; please visit the Department of Health - Immunisation schedule Victoria page. 

Immunisation / school entry certificates

Parents and carers must provide proof of their child's immunisation status before their child can start kindergarten or primary school or switch to a different primary school in Victoria.

What is an immunisation status certificate?

It is a current record of your child's immunisations.

It assists health authorities in protecting children in the event of a vaccine preventable disease occurrence in school. In the event of a vaccine preventable disease occurrence, an unimmunised child may be excluded from school for a period of time.

Immunisation status certificates can only be obtained from:

How do I obtain a school entry immunisation status certificate?

The Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) will automatically send your child's immunisation history statement when your child turns 18 months, and again when they turn 5, however you can request a certificate at any time.

This history statement is used as the school entry immunisation status certificate.

It is important that the AIR has your current address details to make sure you receive your school entry status certificate. If you are moving or have recently moved, contact the AIR phone 1800 653 809 or email Medicare Australia to update your contact details.

If your child has completed all immunisations but you have not received a history statement, call AIR on 1800 653 809 to find out why.

If for some reason your child's immunisation records are incomplete or incorrect on your history statement, contact AIR, your GP or the Loddon Shire Council immunisation service phone 0409 166 891.

For further information:

Reactions to immunisations

There are a number of known reactions to immunisations.

You will be provided with a hand out at the time of your immunisations or you can view the Department of Health's handout called 'Vaccine side effects(PDF, 189KB)'. 

Secondary school immunisation program

Council's immunisation team conducts two immunisation sessions at all secondary schools in the Loddon Shire each year.

The school distributes the immunisation consent cards. Students are asked to take the consent cards home for parents/guardian's consent and return them to school when signed.

If a student is absent from school on immunisation day, the parent will be notified of other council sessions their child can attend.

Further information on the Secondary School immunisation program may be found on the Department of Health Victoria Immunisation website HERE

Accessing your immunisation records

If you were born before 1996 then council or your GP will hold your immunisation records, if you were born after 1996 then your childhood immunisations will be available via the AIR website. If you received a vaccination after 2017 it will be available on the AIR website.

Alternatively council may hold your records if you or your child were immunised at a school within the Loddon Shire.

To access your immunisation records from the Loddon Shire Council, please complete the Application for immunisation records 2024

Immunisation booking form