Parents and carers must provide proof of their child's immunisation status before their child can start kindergarten or primary school or switch to a different primary school in Victoria.
What is an immunisation status certificate?
It is a current record of your child's immunisations.
It assists health authorities in protecting children in the event of a vaccine preventable disease occurrence in school. In the event of a vaccine preventable disease occurrence, an unimmunised child may be excluded from school for a period of time.
Immunisation status certificates can only be obtained from:
How do I obtain a school entry immunisation status certificate?
The Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) will automatically send your child's immunisation history statement when your child turns 18 months, and again when they turn 5, however you can request a certificate at any time.
This history statement is used as the school entry immunisation status certificate.
It is important that the AIR has your current address details to make sure you receive your school entry status certificate. If you are moving or have recently moved, contact the AIR phone 1800 653 809 or email Medicare Australia to update your contact details.
If your child has completed all immunisations but you have not received a history statement, call AIR on 1800 653 809 to find out why.
If for some reason your child's immunisation records are incomplete or incorrect on your history statement, contact AIR, your GP or the Loddon Shire Council immunisation service phone 0409 166 891.
For further information: