Supports and services for carers
Supports and services for carers
Being a carer
If you are a carer there is support to help you in your caring role.
People become carers in many different ways. Sometimes they start helping someone out bit by bit. Sometimes it happens suddenly, because of an accident or illness.
Carers can be family members or friends. They can be parents, children, siblings, grandparents or neighbours. You might not be the only person who provides care for someone and you may not provide care each day. Every situation is different.
Young carers
Carers can be any age. Some carers are children. Children and young adults (under 25) are called ‘young carers’. There is specialised help and support available for young carers.
Information on supports and services available for young carers is available at:
More information
If you are a carer, or you have a carer, and would like more information about the supports and services that are available, contact the Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737 (free call) or at: