Housing for seniors
Loddon Shire Council has a number of properties consisting of 1 or 2 bedroom self-contained units, providing accommodation to older residents.
The properties are located in Dingee, Pyramid Hill and Serpentine, and are managed by Priority 1 Property in Wedderburn. They can be contacted via phone on 03 5494 3493.
Council’s Elderly Persons’ Units (EPU’s) support residents in the Shire to stay close to friends, family and their support networks as they age.
Rental applications
Council advertises all vacancies in local newspaper and community news editions. Residents can indicate an ‘Expression of Interest’ in a unit by contacting Nicole Taylor, Aged Care & Inclusive Communities Coordinator on (03) 5494 1200 or via email to ntaylor@loddon.vic.gov.au
If you expressed interest in a unit in a particular area, and a vacancy arises in that area, an application form will be mailed directly to you at the address provided.
Unit leases are on an ongoing basis. Rental is set annually by Council and based on the type of unit e.g. 1 or 2 bedrooms.
As the periods of time between vacancies can be quite long, interested residents are encouraged to explore all other available housing and accommodation options.
Am I eligible?
Council has developed criteria to assess and prioritise access to the units as follows:
- age – the nominated target group for tenants is ‘aged person’
- people at risk of homelessness or living in inappropriate accommodation
- connection to the local area
- income and asset levels – does not exclude applicants but may be taken into account in determining priority
- permanent residency of Australia.
For further information please contact Nicole Taylor, Aged Care & Inclusive Communities Coordinator on (03) 5494 1200.
Current unit vacancies
We currently have no vacancies