VicSmart - a simpler planning permit process

VicSmart is a streamlined assessment process for straightforward planning permit applications. Classes of application are identified in the planning scheme as being VicSmart, and have specified requirements for information, assessment processes and decision guidelines. 

Some of the key features of VicSmart:

• There is a 10 day permit process

• Applications are not advertised

• Information to be submitted with an application, and what council can consider, is pre-set.

Do I qualify for VicSmart?

To be classed as a VicSmart application, a proposal must:

  • be one of the state application types
  • meet all the criteria
  • and be located in the specified zone or overlay

Where a proposal falls into more than one class of VicSmart application, the requirements of each class need to be met.


Required documentation

For an overview of the VicSmart process, including VicSmart forms and checklists, visit the DELWP link below.

  • A current copy of Certificate of Title and Plan of Subdivision produced no later than three months from your lodgement date
  • Proposed plans or documents
  • VicSmart Checklist
  • Photographs of the subject site and the street, only for applications visible from the street

Further information, checklists and VicSmart forms can be found on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s website below:




You should contact planning to determine if you application is a VicSmart application.