Planning permits

Do I need a planning permit?

Many things that we plan to do can affect other people. Therefore we need a process to ensure that decisions we make about land use and development are fair, orderly and sustainable.

The Loddon Planning Scheme consists of zones, overlays and other provisions which affect whether a permit is required. To learn more about zones and overlays, go to Town Planning requirements.

Planning permits can be required for many things:

  • a change in the use of the land (e.g. using a house for a shop)
  • a development, or new building, on the land
  • works, including some earthworks
  • advertising signage
  • the removal of native vegetation
  • liquor licensing

If you propose to change the use of your land or to develop it, it is best to first discuss the proposal with the Loddon Shire Council's Planning Department. You can contact the Planning Department on (03) 5494 1200 to arrange an appointment.

Applying for a permit

How do I lodge a planning permit application?

The information you will need to supply to apply for a planning permit will vary depending on what you are seeking a permit for, however generally you must include:

  • a completed Planning permit application(PDF, 434KB) form
  • a current copy of your Certificate of Title printed within the last two months.
  • a site plan: This must be fully dimensioned and drawn to scale. The plan must show details of any existing features (such as a house, shed, dam  or vegetation), the proposed development, and boundaries. There should be measurements from the existing features, proposed development and the boundaries
  • elevation plans
  • the application fee 

Please contact the Planning Department for a specific check-list of what must be provided as a part of your application.

Applications can be lodged:
  • In person at the Wedderburn Office, it is recommended that you contact Council’s Planning Department and make an appointment to allow your permit to be reviewed prior to submission.
  • By mail: Attention The Planning Department, Loddon Shire Council P.O. Box 21, Wedderburn Vic 3518
Application fees are set by State regulations and a copy is provided within Council’s Schedule of Fees and Charges, however it is recommended that you contact Council’s Planning Department to obtain assistance in determining your fee. Submitting your application with the incorrect fee will delay your permit.

How is my planning permit assessed?


Council will receive your application and lodge it into the system. An acknowledgement letter will be sent informing you that your application has been received and you will be given a Planning Permit Application number

Preliminary assessment and further information

At this stage, the application will be examined to ensure that all the required information has been submitted. If it is not, a Further Information letter will be sent to you. The application cannot be assessed until this information is received

Public notification



If necessary, Council will give notice of the application by one or all of the following methods:

  • sending letters to owners and occupiers of adjoining and adjacent land, or other parties who may be affected by the application
  • requiring that a notice be placed on the land
  • placing a notice in the local newspaper
An application is generally put on notice for a period of 14 days
Internal referrals The application may be given to another Council department for advice and recommendations. Examples of departments that may be referred to are:
  • the Environmental Health Department
  • the Infrastructure Department
  • a Heritage consultant
These departments are generally given 21 days to respond
Submissions Any person may lodge an submission to an application. This submission may do one of the following:
  • object to the application in full
  • raise concerns about particular details of an application
  • support the application
Submissions must be made in writing, and include the name and address of the submitter, and state the reasons for the submission
Referrals If required by the Loddon Planning Scheme, the application will be referred to an external authority (known as a referral authority). Some examples of referral authorities are as follows:
  • North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA)
  • Powercor
  • VicRoads
  • Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI)
  • Coliban Water
  • Country Fire Authority (CFA)

Referral authorities have a minimum of 28 days to respond to the referral. They will respond in one of the following ways:

  • refuse the application. Should this occur, the application must be refused by Council
  • request further information from the applicant: This will generally be done via Council
  • approve the application
  • approve the application with conditions. These conditions will be placed on the planning permit and must be abided by
Assessment The planning officer will take into account any submissions and referral responses, and assess the application against the Loddon Planning Scheme and other relevant legislation.
Decision Following the assessment of the application, Council will either:
  • issue a planning permit, with conditions
  • issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit. This is a notice which advises that Council considers an application should be issued but allows objectors the opportunity to appeal the decision
  • issue a Notice of Refusal


What happens once I get my planning permit?

If you receive a planning permit, you may need to gain additional permits or licenses. These can include:

Can I extend my planning permit?

Should you receive a planning permit, there will a condition stating a time frame in which you must commence and complete the use and/or development.

If you are unable to commence or complete the use and/or development within the prescribed time, you can apply for an extension of your planning permit. You must do this before the permit expires or within 6 months afterwards. This request must be made in writing to the Council and state the following:

  • Your name and contact details
  • The planning permit number
  • Why an extension is required
You will receive a response from Council in writing.

What happens if my application gets refused?

If your planning permit is refused, you have the right to appeal the Councils decision.

The appeal process goes through the Victorian Civil Administrations Tribunal (VCAT). An appeal must be lodged to VCAT by the applicant within 60 days of the determination date.

For more information about this process, go to the VCAT website.