Municipal fire prevention

Local government has a legislative requirement to be involved in fire prevention activities on private land. For advice on State Forest, Conservation Reserves, National, State and Regional Parks, you should contact Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)

Fire Danger Period

Each year the CFA declares a Fire Danger Period (FDP) for municipalities in the lead up to the fire season, with the timing dependant upon the amount of rain, grassland curing rate and other local conditions. To find out what you can and can’t do during the declared Fire Danger Period, and on days of Total Fire Ban, when fires in the open air are legally restricted, visit the CFA webpage, Can I or Can't I?

Fire Restrictions 

Fire Restriction dates are also available from the CFA website, Fire restriction dates by municipality. 

Total Fire Ban

No fires should be lit in the open within a district where a Total Fire Ban Day has been declared. Total Fire Ban days are communicated broadly through local media.

Loddon Shire Council is situated within the Northern Country Fire District. Information specific to this district is available from the Warnings and Restrictions section of the CFA website Northern Country Fire District.

Fire Prevention Notices

Landowners and residents are required to clear their property of fire hazards before the start of the Fire Danger Period and maintain it throughout. Council officers conduct annual township inspections and may issue a fire prevention notice to owners of land deemed a fire hazard.

Fire Prevention Notices specify what works are required and include a date the works are to be completed by.