Stop Mental Health Stigma

Mental Health Stigma Logo .png

The “Stop Mental Illness Stigma” Charter (the Charter) was adopted by Council in December 2018 and has been developed through a joint project with the Hume and Loddon Mallee Murray, Partners in Recovery (PIR) program, led by Murray Primary Health Network (PHN).

The Charter is about working towards reducing mental illness stigma through a series of commitments which are seen as the major components to address in reducing stigma.

The Charter includes seven key commitments:

  • We will be informed 
  • We will listen
  • We will be mindful of our language
  • We will be inclusive
  • We will challenge stereotypes
  • We will be supportive
  • We will promote recovery

The adoption of this Charter by Council demonstrates a clear commitment by Council to the vision and mission of Loddon Healthy Minds Network and provides a strong link to fulfilling related commitments in Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan and the Council Plan. The Charter has been co-designed by people who have experienced mental illness and mental health professionals.