How to live with Diabetes in Loddon


Many people live well with diabetes, however, if left untreated, or it is not well managed, it can result in serious complications including:

  • heart attack, heart disease and stroke
  • eye disease and blindness
  • nerve damage
  • infection, ulcers and gangrene, especially of the feet
  • kidney disease
  • depression, anxiety and distress.

It takes time, energy and commitment to manage your diabetes to prevent these complications and achieve good health. Important lifestyle measures include:

  • quitting smoking
  • exercising for 30 minutes on most days of the week, with a mix of cardio and resistance activities
  • limiting alcohol consumption to no more than two standard drinks per day
  • taking care of your mental health and wellbeing
  • knowing your numbers, i.e. blood glucose (blood sugar) levels, blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • eating to the Australian Dietary Guidelinesfocusing on healthy carbohydrates (eg. vegetables and low-fat dairy products), fibre-rich foods (eg. whole grains and legumes) and good fats (eg. avocado and nuts); avoiding bad fats (eg. high-fat dairy products, animal proteins and processed snacks); and limiting sodium and cholesterol.

Please contact your local provider for further information about services in your area:


Boort District Health 5451 5200


Dingee Bush Nursing Centre 5436 8309

Inglewood & Wedderburn

Inglewood and Districts Health Service
(Inglewood and Wedderburn sites)

5431 7000

Pyramid Hill

Northern District Community Health

5451 0200

Diabetic sharps containers - collection and disposal

Boort Resource & Information Centre

Open Mon to Fri 10.00am to 3.30pm.

Ph. 5455 2716

119 Godfrey Street. 

Dingee Bush Nursing Centre

Open Mon to Fri 8.30am to 4.30pm.  Doors open but would prefer clients ring first (in-case they are busy with other clients)

Ph. 5436 8309

21 King Street.

Inglewood Alliance Pharmacy

Open as normal

Ph. 5438 3021

54 Brooke Street.

Amcal Pyramid Hill Prescription Depot 

Open as normal

Ph. 5455 7016

13 Kelly Street.

Loddon Shire Council Office, Wedderburn

Open as normal

Ph. 5494 3309

41 High Street.

For more information about Diabetes please see the following websites:

Diabetes Australia

Diabetes Victoria

Better Health Channel