Flood information

If flooding occurs

  • Avoid driving or walking through floodwaters
  • Stay away from drains, culverts and water when cleaning up flooded areas
  • Stay away from fallen powerlines - electrical current passes easily through water
  • If your car stalls in rising water, abandon it immediately and seek shelter above floodwater
  • Be aware that animals may enter your house during a flood, such as spiders and snakes to find a dry area
  • Wait for rescuers to come for you and avoid swimming to safety
  • If outdoors, climb to high ground and stay there
  • Keep listening to a local radio station for information and advice
  • Keep in contact with your neighbours where possible
  • Be prepared to leave early before flooding isolates your property 

For a flood and storm emergency, call VICSES on 132 500.

For a life threatening emergency, call 000.

Further information can be found on the following websites:






General relief and recovery information

Details of relief and recovery arrangements, and advice on safely recovering from flood, are available at the Vic Emergency website

Anyone who has been affected by the flooding should call the Vic Emergency Hotline on 1800 226 226.

Victoria farm recovery after flood

Information to help farmers prepare, act and recover from floods can be found at the Agriculture Victoria website.

Be careful around trees after flooding – the ground is soaked and soft so they are more likely to fall and come down on roads and properties.

Assess damage to your property, animals, crops, infrastructure including dams, irrigation, drainage, fencing and access. Prioritise areas for immediate action, and list those requiring attention in the future. Agriculture Victoria is keen to get information regarding any losses and requests farmers to report any crop or stock loss due to flooding on 136 186.   

If you wish to speak to a staff member about your particular flood recovery requirements, or if you have any animal health related enquiries or concerns for your livestock, contact Agricultural Victoria’s Customer Service Centre 136 186 or your local vet.

Pets after flood

If your pets are injured, seek veterinary treatment immediately.

If your pets are lost, notify your local council, microchip registry, neighbours and nearby animal shelters.

You can also check social media sources (often in emergencies a website is set up to list lost and found animals).

Family violence

There is an increased risk of escalating family violence after emergencies. If you need help there are services you can call, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  • Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre is a confidential support and information service for women and children living with family violence or to anyone who knows a person living with family violence.

Phone: 1800 015 188 (24 hours free call within Victoria)

  • The Men's Referral Service is an anonymous and confidential telephone service provided for men by men.

Phone: 1300 766 491 (seven days a week)

  • Call the Police on Triple Zero (000) if you are, or someone you know is, in immediate danger.