To support permit applications authorities may also require evidence that event planning has been undertaken and documented. This could be an Event Management Plan, Site Plan, Traffic Management Plan, and Emergency Management Plan.
Event Management Plan
Planning is the most important part of running a successful event, and this means starting well in advance. The best way to approach planning is to develop a detailed management plan, which includes a timetable of what needs to be done and when. Crucial elements of the planning for the event such as fundraising, booking performers and advertising need to happen well in advance of the date of the event so a timeline schedule is essential.
The information provided in the Event Management Plan is designed to walk you through each step involved in organising an event, and can be used as a checklist. This is a guide only and there may be additional information or requirements that are not necessarily listed in the plan.
Site plan
A site plan is a map of the event and an essential tool in event planning and management. A site plan can be a worthwhile resource for setting up the event. Importantly, a site plan is invaluable in the event of an emergency especially for security staff, police, first aid personnel and emergency services personnel.
Entrances, exits, vendor locations, first aid posts, toilets, phones, security, fire equipment and licensed areas should be numbered, and/or indicated by a symbol. Include a legend explaining all symbols and numbers. All access roads and pathways should be clearly marked to indicate use by patrons, vendors, performers and emergency service vehicles.