Event permits and requirements

To hold an event, particular activities and/or infrastructure (marquees, stages, etc) will require specific permits. Listed below are the permits and obligations a typical event may require.

Activities and events in a public place

When conducting an event or activity in a public place in nearly all cases Council’s local law requires organisers to obtain a permit. Activities may include but are not limited to:

  • performances
  • festivals
  • promotion/information displays and demonstrations.

Public places include public gardens, reserves, open spaces to which the public have or are permitted access, crown land and includes land owned or managed by Council.

Contact the Local Laws Compliance Officer on  (03) 5494 1254 for more information

Street trading and busking

Events are permitted to include stalls, traders and buskers as a part of their event; howeverwhere the activity is taking place in public places a Street Trading permit is required from Councils Local Laws Department.

Contact the Local Laws Compliance Officer on 03 5494 1254 for information.

Town planning requirements

Town planning approval may be required for any event on private land.

Contact the Manager Planning and Local Laws on 03 5494 1228 for detailed advice.

A-frame/street furniture

If your event requires A-Frames, street furniture or signage, a permit may be required from the Council’s Local Laws Department. Advertising signs may require a planning permit.

Contact the Manager of Planning and Local Laws on 03 5494 1228 for information.

Food safety

Event organisers need to be aware of the health and safety issues associated with temporary food stalls.

All temporary and mobile food premises are required to submit either a notification to Council or be registered with Council.

Event organisers should ensure that they obtain a copy of the Statement of Trade that is issued by Council, following the lodgement of a Statement of Trade with Council via the State Government’s Streatrader program.

The requirement to lodge a Statement of Trade with Council applies to everyone. If your stallholder is part of a community group, an individual or a business they must comply with this requirement. There are no exemptions.

It is also important to note that it applies to the sale of any and all food items including:

  • tea and coffee
  • alcohol
  • fruit and vegetables
  • eggs
  • prepacked confectionary and soft drinks
  • all other food items whether they be cooked or uncooked.

If the intended stallholder is not from Loddon Shire they should be directed to contact their local Council, who can assist them in obtaining registration/submitting a notification form and with the use of the Streatrader system.

If the stallholder is from Loddon Shire they should contact the Public Health Manager on 03 5494 1249 for assistance in understanding the requirements and use of Streatrader.

IMPORTANT: Waste Water for temporary food premises should be collected in a container and disposed of into the sewer or appropriate location

Consumption of alcohol

If alcohol is to be served or sold at an event, a valid liquor licence must be in place.

Visit the Liquor Licence Victoria website – http://www.vcglr.vic.gov.au/home/liquor/ for conditions or ring the general enquiries line 1300 182 457.

Clubs and organisations that currently hold a permit to serve alcohol may still require an extension to their licence if serving outside the parameters of their existing permit.

If your event will allow for the consumption of alcohol you may require a permit from the Council’s Local Laws Department. 

Contact the Local Laws Compliance Officer on 03 5494 1254 for information.

Temporary structures

Siting approval
a) The siting of a temporary structure is subject to the approval of the Municipal Building Surveyor of Council.

b) The erection of a temporary structure must be carried out by a registered building practitioner and have a permit issued by the Victorian Building Authority.

The following are prescribed classes of temporary structures:
a) tents, marquees or booths with a floor area greater than 100m2.

b) seating stands for more than 20 persons.

c) stages or platforms (including stage wings and sky borders exceeding 150m2 in floor area.

d) prefabricated buildings exceeding 100 m2 other than ones place directly on the ground surface.

Places of public entertainment (POPE)

If you are holding an event in a location not deemed to be “normal practice” (ie a music concert on a football oval) and meet the following criteria, you may be required to apply for an Occupancy Permit for the event from the Municipal Building Surveyor of Council.

a) the event or activity is organised and controlled by bodies other than community based organisations, and

b) the number of persons in the place at any one time during the event or activity exceeds 5000 persons.

Contact the Municipal Building Surveyor on 5494 1200 for information.

Road closures and traffic management

Patron and vehicle access must be planned to ensure there is limited disruption to neighbouring businesses or homes and to ensure clear access by emergency services and event staff.

Road closures
If you require road closures for your event you will need to apply for approval and submit a

traffic management plan and a copy of your public liability insurance at least three months

before your event. You will need approval from the following:

  • Loddon Shire Council for all Loddon Shire roads
  • VicRoads for highways and major roads
  • Victoria Police for major events.

Once road closure approvals have been granted organisers will be required to provide notification to the services identified in the letter of approval which may include Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, Country Fire Authority and SES.

Contact the Infrastructure Department on 5494 1223 if unsure of the roads or for further information.


If you plan to incorporate pyrotechnics or fireworks in your event, you will require a “Notification of Intention to Discharge Fireworks” available from WorkSafe Victoria, indicating compliance with the Dangerous Goods Act 1985.

Local residents must be notified by a letterbox drop regarding the time and date of fireworks, as many owners prefer to keep their pets indoors during this time. The CFA must also be notified.

Waterway events

If you are holding an event on or in a scheduled waterway managed by Loddon Shire an application for a Boating Activity Exemptions and Exclusion Zones is required.

This application applies to waterways as follows:

  • Schedule 53, Little Lake Boort.
  • Schedule 62 Loddon River (at Bridgewater between Flour Mill Weir and Sweeneys Lane),
  • Schedule 63 Loddon River, within the Shire of Loddon (The waters of the Loddon River that are between the Laanecoorie Reservoir wall and a line joining two speed limit notices on opposite banks of the river approximately 300 metres downstream of Janevale Bridge.

Application forms can be obtained from the Transport Safety Victoria/Maritime Safety Victoria website http://transportsafety.vic.gov.au/maritime-safety/publications-and-forms or by contacting the Waterway Manager at Loddon Shire Office, Wedderburn.

Once the application is received by the Loddon Shire Waterway Manager it will be assessed and if all conditions are complying it will forwarded to Maritime Safety Victoria for assessment.

Applicants will be notified by Loddon Shire’s Waterway Manager of the outcome of their application, and whether any restraints have been applied to a successful application.

The Waterway Manager is the Building and Contracts Officer who can be contacted on 5494 1209 for information.

Documented plans

To support permit applications authorities may also require evidence that event planning has been undertaken and documented. This could be an Event Management Plan, Site Plan, Traffic Management Plan, and Emergency Management Plan.

Event Management Plan
Planning is the most important part of running a successful event, and this means starting well in advance. The best way to approach planning is to develop a detailed management plan, which includes a timetable of what needs to be done and when. Crucial elements of the planning for the event such as fundraising, booking performers and advertising need to happen well in advance of the date of the event so a timeline schedule is essential.

The information provided in the Event Management Plan is designed to walk you through each step involved in organising an event, and can be used as a checklist. This is a guide only and there may be additional information or requirements that are not necessarily listed in the plan.

Site plan
A site plan is a map of the event and an essential tool in event planning and management. A site plan can be a worthwhile resource for setting up the event. Importantly, a site plan is invaluable in the event of an emergency especially for security staff, police, first aid personnel and emergency services personnel.

Entrances, exits, vendor locations, first aid posts, toilets, phones, security, fire equipment and licensed areas should be numbered, and/or indicated by a symbol. Include a legend explaining all symbols and numbers. All access roads and pathways should be clearly marked to indicate use by patrons, vendors, performers and emergency service vehicles.