Event information and advice

Event details

Provision of clear and accurate information about the proposed event is critical. Where will the event be conducted? For example, outdoors or indoors? Hall or stadium? Parklands, river side or at another venue?

Event manager

The event manager is the person responsible for the overall organisation of the event. Information about the event manager and contact details will need to be updated and accurate before, during and after the event.

Emergency services contact

Police, Fire Services, Ambulance Services and others such as State Emergency Services (SES) should be aware of the event. These services should be included in event planning where appropriate. An event management plan should be made available to these services to facilitate a faster response on the day of the event.

Obligation to insure

It is imperative that all events held have appropriate Public Liability Insurance to ensure the organising committees and their members are financially protected against loss should an incident occur.

Section 86 Committees of Council are covered by Council’s Public Liability Insurance while they operate within their delegation; this insurance does not cover the stallholders, performers, etc. of the event.

Council needs to be notified if it is an event is being held by a Section 86 Committee.

Contact Corporate Services Administrative Officer on 5494 1255.

Public Liability Insurance
If you are not insured, there are many ways you can gain appropriate cover just for the day of the event or the year. They are:

  • contact your existing insurer
  • Loddon Shire Council takes out a Public Liability Insurance policy that covers non-commercial casual hirers of Council owned or controlled facilities for small scale standalone events where the hirer does not have their own insurance cover. This cover does not extend beyond the hirer to any other parties involved in the events activities. This application can be completed online. Click below to start an application. 

Start application

  • Public Liability Insurance quotes for events or festivals where Council’s Insurance is not available can be obtained from the Community Insurance website: www.communityinsurance.net.au

Contractors, stallholders and performers must have their own public liability insurance (the cover must be valid for the duration of the event); a copy of their Certificate of Currently must be obtained to ensure that the event is covered. If you do not have insurance coverage, Loddon Shire Council takes out a public liability insurance policy that covers stallholders, artists and also any products they sell. This cover does not extend beyond the hirer to any other parties involved in the events activities. This application can be completed online. Click below to start an application. 

Start application

Products Liability Insurance 
If you are a stallholder who sells products including food you should ensure that your Public Liability Insurance cover also provides products liability cover.

If you are eligible to access the Council’s stallholder insurance cover this also covers products liability. A link is provided above to start an application. 

Risk management

Risk management is an integral part of responsible event management. Event organisers have a duty of care to take all necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of all persons who may be affected by the event.

Undertaking a risk assessment prior to conducting an event ensures that risks are identified, evaluated and controlled.

Things to consider in undertaking a risk assessment are:

  • emergency procedures
  • access/egress for emergency vehicles
  • first aid arrangements
  • traffic management
  • communications systems
  • crowd control
  • manual handling
  • extreme weather
  • waste management
  • PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
  • electrical safety
  • presence of hazardous materials

Incident Reports/Accidents
As part of the risk management process, event organisers should have incident/accident report forms available at the event and ensure all key people are aware of the need to complete these in the case of any incidents or accidents. Event management should respond as soon as possible if the reporting process indicates any incidents need follow up during the event.

If an incident or accident takes place on Council land or property, event organisers must report the incident/accident to Council’s Manager Organisation Development 5494 1202. The report should be made as soon as possible after the incident or accident.

WorkCover must be notified if there are any serious injuries or deaths that occur at your event.


Consideration must be given to how noise from your event impacts the amenity of the surrounding area where the event is held. Negative impacts should be minimised by careful planning and communication to patrons arriving, attending and leaving the event. The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) regulates noise for large music events. If you are planning to hold a large music event please contact the local EPA office or go to www.epa.vic.gov.au/noise.

Amplified music and licensing

It is the organiser’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licences are obtained if music is being played at the venue. For further information please consult the Australian Performing Rights Association (APRA) and/or Phonographic Performance Company of Australia Limited (PPCA) websites:


Event organisers need to consider the health and comfort of patrons, especially during the summer months. It is recommended that one drinking water fountain/tap be provided for every 200 persons. Drinking water should be made freely available or if not feasible, at a cost lower than the lowest price of any other drink sold to patrons.


It is important to consider the impacts of the weather and put in place plans to account for the various conditions that may occur.

Shelter and shaded areas should be available wherever patrons or staff and volunteers (including first aiders) may be located for an extended period of time and where weather conditions dictate that it is required.

Where artificial cooling is provided, consideration is required on what events need to occur to protect patrons or staff should a power failure result from the weather event.

On site power/water

If you require electricity and water on site at your event it is essential to check which services are available and where they are located. It is the event organiser’s responsibility to ensure all leads, equipment and appliances are tested, tagged and comply with all legislative requirements including the Electrical Safety (Installation) Regulations 2009 and relevant Standards. All events with electrical installations must have suitable fire extinguishers present or other devices as may be required to limit risk.

Gas bottles

Event organisers are required to ensure gas cylinders used at events comply with the AustralianStandard: The Storage and Handling of LP Gas (AS/NZS 1596-2002).

For further information, consult the Victorian WorkCover Authority’s publication “Advice for Managing Major Events Safely” – www.worksafe.vic.gov.au


Every event should aim to provide adequate toilet facilities. For small events, public toilets may be adequate but larger events may require the hire of additional toilet units. The number of toilets to be provided will depend on anticipated crowd numbers, patron gender, whether there is service of alcohol and the event duration.

Contact the Municipal Building Surveyor on 5494 1200 for information. 

Council has a mobile toilet for hire. If you wish to book it contact Customer Service on 5494 1200 (the unit is collected and returned to the Wedderburn Operations Centre).

Venues with onside waste water (septic tanks)
 If the venue that you are planning on holding your event at is serviced by its own waste water disposal system (septic tank) consideration will need to be given to the capacity of the system. All systems have a design loading, i.e. an amount of water that they can cope with on any one day. Failure to consider the design loading of the system may result in it failing during your event, which could impact on the success of the event.

For many events it is recommended that porta loos be brought in to assist in reducing the load on the septic tank system.

Waste management

Event organisers are responsible for the waste and litter generated at their event. Depending on the size and duration of the event it is generally not adequate to rely on existing street bins for your event.

Organisers must consider post event clean up and waste disposal.

If required, Council may be approached to supply extra rubbish and recycling bins at a cost.

Contact the Townscape and Waste Services Coordinator on 03 5494 1218.

First aid

It is a requirement for event organisers, irrelevant of size of the event, to provide appropriate “Duty of Care” to all persons working, visiting or otherwise engaged who may attend or be at the event. With this in mind it is appropriate to provide a level of emergency management in any situation. Included in this would be providing emergency first aid in case of illness or injury to persons at the event.

First aiders need to be suitably equipped to do their job and have access to a facility in which they can work. It is advised to approach a recognised body that provides such services to determine the minimum level of first aid you will require at your event.


Clear and appropriate signs help inform and direct patrons to:

  • parking
  • entrance conditions
  • toilet facilities
  • rules relating to the serving and consumption of alcohol

Signs should be strategically placed so patrons are informed before entering the event. This minimises conflict and congestion at entry and exit points.

Fire season consideration

During the months of December to March fire danger is high. Consult with the Country Fire Authority as to how fire danger can be minimised. For outdoor events held on public land, the public land manager may require a Fire Plan to be completed as a condition of permit.

Accessible Events

Under both state/territory and federal law, making events accessible for people with disabilities is a legal requirement. An accessible events guide is available for event organisers to assist them to meet the needs and requirements for people with disabilities.

The guide is available for download at: https://www.meetingsevents.com.au/sites/default/files/uploadedcontent/website-content/accessible_events_guide.pdf

Companion Card

The Companion Card promotes the rights of people with a disability who require a carer to attend ticketed events and activities. It’s free to register your event to be Companion Card Friendly. For full information on how to register go to www.companioncard.org.au