Lincoln Fitzgerald - Chief Executive Officer
Lincoln has a wealth of experience in local government, coming to Council from the City of Greater Bendigo and having previously worked for Mount Alexander Shire Council.
Lincoln has held diverse roles including project management of major projects, asset management, health promotion, strategy development, contract and facility management. Lincoln’s career has focused on building, leading and managing diverse teams and large businesses in the region and overseas.
The Chief Executive Officer role of Council includes prescribed duties in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020, providing leadership to the Council, strategic planning, promoting external relationships, and managing the operations of the Council.
Executive Assistant to the CEO | Renae Colls
Director Community Wellbeing - Wendy Gladman
Wendy Gladman was appointed as Director Community Wellbeing in July 2013 after holding the position of Manager Community Services since 2010.
Wendy previously held a number of positions in aged and disability services since commencing with Council in 1995.
Wendy has extensive experience in local government, with a particular emphasis on delivery of community services and health and wellbeing.
Wendy has a Diploma of Business Management, a Diploma of Community Services Management, a Diploma of Business (Governance) and is a graduate of the Australian Institute Company Directors (AICD).
The Director Community Wellbeing role is responsible for the management and delivery of a wide range of community services including early years, youth, aged and disability, sport and recreation, community planning, emergency management, community recovery, rural access and municipal public health and wellbeing.
Director Corporate - Michelle Stedman
Michelle Stedman was appointed Director Corporate in February 2024, having worked in the local government sector since 2008, focusing on regional and rural Victoria.
Before her position at Loddon Shire Council, Michelle was Director Corporate at Buloke Shire Council, and before that held a diverse range of roles at the City of Greater Bendigo in the areas of Finance, Strategic Asset and Capital Management, Project Management Office, Engineering, Emergency Management, Strategic Planning and Tourism.
Michelle holds a Bachelor of Business with a major in tourism and is a graduate of LGPro’s Emerging Leaders Program.
The Director Corporate role is responsible for managing finance, rates, procurement, governance, risk, occupational health and safety, human resources, payroll, records management, customer support and information technology.
Director Operations - Steven Phillips
Steven Phillips was appointed as Director Operations in November 2017 after holding the position of Manager Works at Loddon Shire Council since 2011.
Steven commenced with Council in 2009 as the Assistant Manager Works. Steven has a Diploma in Forestry from Melbourne University’s School of Forestry, and has worked in the forestry and fire management sector, providing supervision and management of commercial timber harvesting operations, forest road infrastructure and fire management for several years before making the move to local government.
The Director Operations role is responsible for the management and ongoing delivery of a wide range of Council services including infrastructure policy and program development, works and maintenance, strategic and statutory planning, statutory building control, environmental and public health, local laws policy and compliance, contract management and engineering services.