Community Local Law 2022
The Community Local Law covers various aspects throughout the Loddon Shire in a single, simplified and easy to read document. Its headings include:
- Council land, streets and roads
- Private property
- Animals and pets
- Waste and recycling
The objectives of the Community Local Law are to provide for:
a) the peace, order and good governance of the Loddon Shire;
b) a safe and healthy environment in which residents and visitors can enjoy a quality of life that meets their expectations;
c) the protection and enhancement of community amenity;
d) the control of activities or land use which may be hazardous, unsafe or detrimental to the quality of life or the environment;
e) the fair and reasonable use and enjoyment of private land; and
f) fair and consistent administration of this Local Law.
The requirements aim to ensure that Loddon Shire is a great place to live, work and visit. A copy is available to view at the Council office, 41 High Street Wedderburn, or may be downloaded from the link below.
To view or download a copy of the Community Local Law 2022 click here(PDF, 835KB) .
For more information, contact our local laws section on 54941200 or email
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