Historical Records
Loddon Shire Council has significant records in its custody which document the story of our local government. This includes rate books, council minutes, correspondence, maps, plans and photographs. Current Council agendas and minutes are available on this site.
Council holds a variety of records from the three previous shires of East Loddon, Gordon and Korong. Brief information regarding these Shires can be located on our History page. The most important records are the Council Rates and Minute Books.
In Victoria permanent public records, once they are no longer of administrative use, are transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria. Each Victorian government agency is assigned a Victorian Agency (VA) number, and each individual type of record or “series” is assigned a Victorian Public Record Series (VPRS) number. This is the basic information you need to be able to find records within PROV’s catalogue system.
There have been transfers of records from Gordon Shire (VA 2434) and Korong Shire (VA 636) in the past and more recently Loddon Shire Council has transferred records from the old Shire of East Loddon (VA 2426) to PROV. The records that are located at North Melbourne are:
East Loddon Shire |
Rate Books 1865 - 1953 (VPRS 16552) |
Rate Cards 1954 - 1985 (VPRS 16553) |
Index to Council Minutes about 1870 - 1995 (VPRS 16986) |
Council Minute Books 1864 - 1994 (VPRS 16928) |
List of File Classification & Subject Headings Index, Multiple Number System c.1970 - 1994 (VPRS 16987) |
Gordon Shire |
Rate Books 1926 - 1961 (VPRS 10541) |
Korong Shire |
Minute Books 1929 - 1964 (VPRS 10168) |
Balance Books 1927 - 1962 (VPRS 10169) |
Rate Books 1867 - 1938 (VPRS 16554) |
Council is currently working on appraising and processing the backlog of archival material. It is Council’s intent both to preserve the original material and to ensure the accessibility of these records within the Shire. Due to the fragile nature of many of these volumes, particularly the early Korong Shire rate books, digitisation funding has been provided by Council. It must be noted that it will not be possible to digitise every single historical record within our holdings, however it is hoped that a number of the main series will be made available for public use.