East Loddon Shire rate books

Date Range: 1865 - 1871; 1873 - 1965; 1968 - 1985

Public Record Office Victoria Series No: 16552/P1 Units 1-59 Volumes 1865 - 1953

Public Record Office Victoria Series No: 16553/P1 Units 1-15 Cards 1954 - 1985

The columns in the East Loddon Rate Book list the following:

  • Surname and christian name of the owner or occupier is listed
  • Description and situation of the rateable property
  • Electoral district and division
  • Gross annual value
  • Full net annual value
  • Rates due at the stated pence in the pound
  • Paid
  • First moiety
  • Paid - see report number
  • 2nd moiety
  • Paid - see report number
  • Number on the last rate
  • Number on the rate.

Many of these columns were left blank and the moiety columns have disappeared by 1873 and replaced by columns for the Riding of the Shire and "Division for special rating by reason of special benefit" and "Amount reduced to on appeal".

The Electoral District early on was Mandurang with the division of Pyramid Creek, later on Tandara is sighted.

For 1865 - 1876 a Rate Assessment Number is listed beside each entry, however this was dispensed with in 1877, and only the initials N, S or E are listed.

In 1878 the Rate Book is divided into three Ridings - East, North and South, with Rate numbers commencing at one for each Riding.

Among the many small districts or locations listed are Bullock, Calivil, Dingee, Jarklin, Kamarooka, Mitiamo, Serpentine, Tandarra, Yallook and Yarayne. Land parishes include Calivil, Pompapiel, Janiember East and Yallook.

Trade or occupation is listed for the first time in 1873. Descriptions of the land include whether the land was leased or purchased, whether it was Crown land and whether it was cultivated or uncultivated. Land improvements are listed (eg building) and sometimes the purpose (eg Hotel). From 1879 to 1892 the Rate book has new columns added under "the Description and Situation of Rateable Property" to include Crown Land / Pasture Land / Cultivated / Other Improvements & Situation (ie Mitiamo) Details of acreage is often given and by 1907 some allotment numbers start appearing.

In 1893 the format of the volumes changed again with the Riding name typed on the second page of the rate book, along with the details of it being the North Western Province, Mandurang Electoral District and Divisions either of Serpentine Creek, Janiember, or Tandarra. The names of these Districts and Divisions change further over the time period of the rate books.

More attention is paid to the address of the owner/occupier from 1895 onwards and in 1897 there is a column for the name of the Parish. In 1905 the distinction is made between the Owner (O), Lessee (L), Assignee (A) or Occupying Tenants (OT). In 1921 the Rate Assessment numbers are typed as is the date and riding details at the top of the page, however the entries themselves are still hand-written.

The first few volumes are reasonably thick as they cover a range of years, then from 1892 are generally tall, thin volumes. This changes in 1924 when the format of the volumes changes to small black volumes which are shorter but wider. Then in 1954 the information is contained on rate cards which are bound in heavy blue kalamazoo covers.