Council Community Asset Committees (Section 65)

In accordance with section 65 of the Local Government Act 2020, Loddon Shire Council has established a number of Community Asset Committees to manage a range of Council owned or controlled assets, and has appointed dedicated community members to each.

Members of these committees have been delegated a range of powers, duties and functions from Council’s CEO, to support their management of these important community assets.

Council appreciates and respects the passion, dedication and contribution of its volunteer community asset committee members who enrich our community, and support the provision of a much broader range of services and activities than Council could provide on its own.

For further information on Section 65 Community Asset Committees please contact the Administration Officer Governance on (03) 5494 1200.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact a community asset committee

Section 65 listing

The following are Section 65 Community Asset Committees of Management acting on behalf of Council.

Sporting facilities

  • Boort Park - to administer, manage and control the facility known as Boort Park.
  • Donaldson Park - to administer, manage and control the facility known as Donaldson Park.
  • Inglewood Community Sports Centre - to administer, manage and control the facility known as Inglewood Community Sports Centre.
  • Korong Vale Sports Centre - to administer, manage and control the facility known as Korong Vale Sports Centre.


  • Boort Memorial Hall - to administer, manage and control the facility known as the Boort Memorial Hall.
  • Campbells Forest Hall - to administer, manage and control the facility known as the Campbells Forest Hall.
  • Inglewood Town Hall Hub - to administer, manage and control the facility known as the Inglewood Town Hall Hub.
  • Korong Vale Mechanics Hall - to administer, manage and control the facility known as the Korong Vale Mechanics Hall.
  • Pyramid Hill Memorial Hall - to administer, manage and control the facility known as the Pyramid Hill Memorial Hall.
  • Wedderburn Mechanics and Literary Institute Hall - to administer, manage and control the facility known as the Wedderburn Mechanics and Literary Institute Hall.
  • Yando Public Hall - to administer, manage and control the facility known as the Yando Public Hall.

Community centres

  • East Loddon Community Centre - to administer, manage and control the facility known as East Loddon Community Centre.
  • Wedderburn Community Centre - to administer, manage and control the facility known as Wedderburn Community Centre. 

Other facilities

  • Boort Aerodrome - to administer, manage and control the facility known as the Boort Aerodrome.
  • Inglewood Community Elderly Persons Units - to administer, manage and control the facility known as the Inglewood Community Elderly Persons Units.  
  • Hard Hill Tourist Reserve -  to administer, manage and control Government Battery, Hard Hill Wedderburn. To administer, manage, maintain and control Hard Hill Tourist Reserve, a crown land reserve with a community committee of management.
  • Little Lake Boort - to administer, manage and control the facility known as Little Lake Boort.
  • Wedderburn Engine Park and Market Square reserve - To administer, manage and control the facility known as Wedderburn Engine Park and Market Square Reserve.


Volunteer Handbook 2021