
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with the quality of an action taken, decision made, or service provided by a council or its contractor; or a delay or failure in providing a service, taking an action, or making a decision by council or its contractor.

A complaint can also relate to events within the community which Loddon Shire Council has the power to administer such as noise, smell, parking, public health or construction related activities.

To ensure confidentiality, details such as name and address are not divulged to any person when a complaint is received.  Details of the complaint will also remain confidential to Council Officers, subject to the compliance with the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act, where applicable.

It is important to note that a complaint is not the same as a request for service, a request for information or an enquiry seeking clarification of an issue.

A request for service is contact with Council to seek assistance, access to a new service, advice or to inform/make a report about something for which council has responsibility.

Council has adopted a Complaint Handling Framework to provide guidance around complaints.

The following list can also be used to provide guidance on how to make a complaint or enquiry or make a request to the Loddon Shire Council.

General enquiry

Contact details for a request for service, information or an enquiry seeking clarification of an issue are:

Phone: (03) 5494 1200


Post to: Loddon Shire Council, PO Box 21, Wedderburn VIC 3518

General complaints

For complaints about Council's services or organisation, this website or anything else that does not apply to one of the categories below, please complete the form provided at Have your say.

Complaints about animals

This could be dogs barking, stray cats, livestock in public areas and any other animal related issues.

You can either contact Council Rangers on (03) 5494 1200 or put your complaint in writing and email it to or post it to PO Box 21, Wedderburn VIC 3518.

Health and nuisance complaints

There are times when one person's enjoyment of their property is decreased because of another person’s use and enjoyment of a neighbouring property.

This disruption could be caused by activities which create noise, odour or emissions.

Some of these 'nuisances' can become dangerous to health or offensive, and may be an offence under the Public Health & Well Being Act 2008.

More information can be found here.

Food complaints

You are encouraged to report food complaints within the Shire to Loddon Shire Council.

Council will investigate your complaint and let you know the result.

Your report helps us make sure that a food safety problem is identified and may prevent it from happening again.

More information can be found here.

Works Request

For requests or comments regarding infrastructure controlled by Council, such as, roads, paths, drains, trees, parks and gardens, buildings etc. please complete the form provided at Report an issue.

Complaints about an Elected Member (Councillors)

Council has a Complaints Against Councillors Policy to assist with this type or enquiry.

This policy guides how a complaint from a member of the community against a Councillor, or where a Councillor is the subject of a complaint against Council, is to be investigated.

Complaints can be made in writing, addressed to the Director Corporate Services, PO Box 21, Wedderburn VIC 3518