Australia Day competitions
Loddon Shire Council will be conducting competitions as part of 2025 Australia Day celebrations.
The competitions are free to enter. Winning entries in each section will receive a certificate and $20 cash, highly commended work will receive a certificate. Certificates will be presented at your local Loddon Shire Australia Day ceremony.
Closing date for all entries
Entries close 4pm Friday 25 October 2025. You may commence work on your entry as soon as you like.
Identification of work
Ensure the first name and category of the person submitting the entry is included at the bottom of each page, for example 'by Peter, Year 5'.
Work must be clearly labelled and attached to the front of the Australia Day 2025 - Competition Entry Form
Entry is limited to one per person, per category.
Submit entries to:
Australia Day Competitions
Loddon Shire Council
41 High Street, Wedderburn VIC 3518
PO Box 21, Wedderburn VIC 3518
Or via email to
Display of entries
Entries will be displayed before and on Australia Day 2025 at various locations and ceremonies throughout the Shire.
By default; your entry into the Australia Day Competition will be displayed as part of the Loddon Shire Australia Day celebrations and may be used by Loddon Shire Council, for the purposes of corporate promotion, communication or publication with the public. Understand that this may also include the publication of the entry on the internet and in Council publications.
If you do not wish for your entry to be displayed publicly, please select this option under Display and use on the competition entry form.
Judging of entries
Entries will be judged by the Loddon Australia Day Committee and no correspondence will be entered into.