Council Includes information about councillors, meetings, governance and the Loddon Shire Council logo.
Agendas and minutes Council agendas and previous minutes are available by the Thursday prior to each meeting.
Current major planning applications View current major planning applications and learn how to make a submission.
Current fees and charges As part of the annual budget setting process, review of the Council’s fees and charges is undertaken in conjunction with responsible managers and by reference to relevant legislation.
Financial reports Loddon Shire Council prepares a range of planning and reporting documents for the short, medium and long term to ensure sound financial management.
Our organisation Loddon Shire Council works in partnership with government and community to deliver services to the Loddon community.
Working with us Loddon Shire Council staff are part of an organisation that values its staff, we actively encourage skill development.
Personal Interests Returns The Local Government Act 2020 requires Councillors and Nominated Officers of Loddon Shire Council to complete Personal Interest Returns.