Waves - Theatre performance at Boort Memorial Hall

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Waves follows the story of Alice, a hospice care worker who meets Elizabeth Moncello, the unofficial inventor of the butterfly stroke. Over many cups of tea, Alice learns how Liz, during her youth, taught herself how to swim by watching the aquatic life surrounding her small Victorian island home in the 1930s. With her incredible skill and determination, she makes it to the Berlin Olympics where she introduces the new stroke to the world and wins Gold.

A delightful tale of historical fiction, Waves is an intimate theatrical event that combines highly expressive storytelling, delicate movement and splashes of humour to tell the story of a life fully lived.



  • Saturday, 26 March 2022 | 08:00 PM - 10:00 PM


Boort Memorial Hall, 119 Godfrey St, Boort, 3537, View Map

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