Settlement Strategy 2019-2034 draft for public comment

On Display Indefinitely

Loddon Shire Council is providing the opportunity for local residents and other interested parties to comment on the recently developed Settlement Strategy 2019-2034, pursuant to Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989.

The purpose of this plan is to identify where and how Council will support population and housing growth in its capacity as the planning authority.

All feedback will be presented to Council before the plan is finalised and formally adopted.

Copies of the draft plan are available for viewing at Council’s Serpentine and Wedderburn offices or online at documents/Documents for public comment. You can provide your comment online by clicking on “Submit your comment” on this page. You can also submit your comment via email at or via post to: Attention Chief Executive Officer, Loddon Shire Council, PO Box 21, Wedderburn, 3518.

Submissions received will be included within the official Council agenda and minutes, including personal information about the submitter’s identity and location. Agendas and minutes are made available to the public and on Council’s website. If you do not wish to be identified in the agenda and minutes please indicate this in your submission.

Submissions close on Wednesday 30 October 2019.