Loddon Healthy Minds Committee - Community Representatives 2021

No longer on display. Expired on 05 March 2021, 05:00 PM


Council is seeking expressions of interest from residents across the Loddon Shire Council area to represent the community on the Loddon Healthy Minds Network. 

The Loddon Healthy Minds Network promotes and advocates for improved wellbeing and access to appropriate services for people in Loddon Shire affected by mental health issues.

If you have an interest in improving mental health and wellbeing in the wider Loddon Shire community we would be interested in hearing from you.

A copy of the Expression of Interest form and the Network’s Terms of Reference can be downloaded from the Loddon Healthy Minds Network: https://www.loddonhealthyminds.com.au/news/item/113-loddon-healthy-minds-network-seeking-new-community-representatives

For further information or to request a copy of an Expression of Interest form and the Network’s Terms of Reference please contact Vicki Andrew via email: healthyminds@loddon.vic.gov.au or phone: 5494 1230.

 Applications close at 5pm on Friday 5 March 2021.