No longer on display. Expired on
22 August 2024, 05:00 PM
Loddon Shire Council gives notice under section 114 (2) (b) of the Local Government Act 2020 and in accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Policy, that it intends to sell land located at:
Little Albert Street Pyramid Hill, Lot 1 TP407668
being land more particularly described as Certificate of Title Volume 6157, Folio 330.
Newbridge Road Woodstock on Loddon,Lot 1 TP951905 being land more particularly described as Certificate of Title Volume 11419, Folio 231.
Gregsons Road Wedderburn, Allot. 38 Sec. 5 Parish of Wedderburne,
being land more particularly described as Certificate of Title Volume 10470, Folio 876.

Logan-Wedderburn Road, Kurraca West, Lot 1 TP587250 and Lot 1 TP20444 as one lot; Township of Kurraca,
This land has no council or community purpose and as such is recognised as surplus to Council needs.
A person may make a submission on Council’s intention. Submissions must be received by the close of business on Thursday 22 August 2024 and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Loddon Shire Council, PO Box 21, Wedderburn 3518 or via email to .
Any person who has made a written submission to Council may request in writing to be heard in person in support of the written submission or by a person acting on their behalf before Council at a time and date to be advised.
Any queries can be directed to Christine Coombes, Executive Services Officer, on 5494 1200 or via email .