Exchange of land by the Loddon Shire Council

No longer on display. Expired on 25 March 2022, 05:00 PM

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 181 of the Local Government Act 1989 (Victoria) and pursuant to section 114 of the Local Government Act 2020 (Victoria) of Council’s intention to sell:

100-102 Vernon Street, Korong Vale, Victoria, 3520 being all that piece of land contained in Lot 1 of Plan of Subdivision 001296, Certificate of Title Volume 10943, Folio 659 and Certificate of Title Volume 10943, Folio 660.


Gibson Street, Korong Vale, Victoria, 3520 being all that piece of land contained in Lot 33 on Plan of Subdivision 006200, Certificate of Title Volume 05073, Folio 467.

Should any person be affected by, or otherwise wish to be heard in respect to, the Council’s proposed sale of land in this matter, you are requested to contact Deanne Caserta, Manager Financial Services on (03) 5494 1200 on or before 5pm Friday 25 March 2022.