Exchange of land by Loddon Shire Council

No longer on display. Expired on 11 September 2021, 12:00 AM

The Loddon Shire Council hereby gives notice of its intention, four weeks after today’s date, to transfer to itself:

All that piece of land contained in Certificate of Title Volume 763, Folio 539, Crown Allotment 10, Section 12, Township of Terrick Terrick, Parish of Terrick Terrick West, otherwise known as Mitiamo-Kow Swamp Road, Terrick Terrick, Victoria, 3575, due to unpaid rates and charges levied by the Council.

All preconditions of Section181 of the Local Government Act 1989 (Victoria) have been complied with, and the intention of this notice is to comply with the relevant sections of the Local Government Act 2020 (Victoria), and the Council’s community engagement policy.

Should any person be affected by or otherwise which to be heard in respect to the Council’s proposed course of action in this matter, you are requested to contact Julie Ritchie, Revenue Coordinator on or before 10 September 2021.