Careers at Loddon Shire

No longer on display. Expired on 13 December 2021, 05:00 PM

Located in a unique and wonderful part of Central Victoria, about 175 kilometres north-west of Melbourne, Loddon Shire is home to over 7500 residents, and supports a vibrant and growing agribusiness and horticulture sector. Our vision is to be a prosperous, vibrant and engaged community and we deliver a broad range of programs and services to enhance the sustainability and liveability for the community.

Loddon is now seeking applications for the following positions from highly motivated, enthusiastic, energetic and outcome focused individuals who want to make a difference and help shape our future.

For more details on the below positions click here:

Civil Engineer – J/122

Ranger – J/121

Community Care Workers – ref.J/102

Community Care Workers – ref. J/105

Municipal Building Surveyor – ref.J/99

Early Years (Child Care) Project Officer – J/116