Careers at Loddon Shire

On Display Indefinitely

Loddon Shire has a proactive and enthusiastic workforce of approximately 200 employees.  The Council is the largest employer in the municipality providing a broad range of services to the community.

Loddon is now seeking applications for the following positions from highly motivated, enthusiastic, energetic and outcome focused individuals who want to make a difference and help shape our future.

Governance Coordinator – ref. J/30

  • Fixed – part time 0.6 EFT (to 31 August 2022)
  • Location - Wedderburn
  • Band 6 Level A - $82,712 per annum (pro rata) plus employer superannuation.

Applications for the position above close Monday 27 July 2020 at 5pm.

Working for Victoria Opportunities

As part of our agreement with the Victorian Government, we have created over 35 new jobs for local residents who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19. Recruitment has already begun, with all jobs offered as full time 6 month contracts. We have jobs in parks and gardens, waste water services, community support services, building, local laws and admin support.   

To register your interest:

  1. Go to the Working for Victoria website at:

  2. Select ‘I’m looking for work’
  3. Select ‘Apply for work’ and register your details with the Victoria Government’s recruitment platform: Sidekicker
  4. You will be notified via Sidekicker as jobs are posted.

For further information in regard to these positions including a detailed position description please visit Council’s website or contact Council’s Organisational Development Unit on (03) 5494 1208.