Notes from Loddon Shire 2 November
Published on 02 November 2020
Property preparation – online application process
Following the Premier’s announcement to support property owners to prepare their rural property to reduce the risk of natural emergencies, Council has created an online application process.
Property owners are able to request a letter of support to travel from their primary residence to their rural property in the Loddon Shire. They will be required to travel within a defined 72-hour period requested by them, only stay overnight at the property if required and follow all restrictions in place at their primary residence.
Applications are available at
Applications will take between two and five business days to process.
Property owners are strongly encouraged to use local Loddon Shire contractors and businesses to prepare their property to avoid travelling, as per current government guidelines.
The State Government has also provided more information and frequently asked questions at
Youth Week goes online
After being postponed earlier this year due to COVID-19, Victorian Youth Week 2020 has a new date and a new format.
A special month-long Victorian Youth Week will be held from 15 November to 15 December, with all events to take place online and in line with coronavirus restrictions.
The new month-long format recognises the significant challenges communities across Victoria have faced this year and will provide more time for young people to redesign and adapt events and activities to take place online.
For more information visit
Talk It Out
Murray Primary Health Network (PHN) have a new counselling service Talk It Out available to help community members with a variety of emotional issues, including anxiety, depression, isolation and loneliness.
Talk it Out is a free phone and online counselling service for people who live or work in the Murray PHN region who are feeling the pressures and stresses of everyday life.
The Murray PHN region includes North West and Central Victoria, Goulburn Valley and North East Victoria.
Talk it Out is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for people over 15 years of age on 1300 022 946 or by visiting
Young Farmer Mentoring Program
Agriculture Victoria has a new mentoring program for young farmers – with 10 available places in the 2021 program.
The Young Farmer Mentoring Program is designed to build a mentoring relationship between a young or new entrant farmer and an experienced farmer, which will be facilitated by a private consultant.
It offers young or inexperienced farmers an opportunity to build their professional support networks and learn one-on-one from a farmer who has years of farming experience and industry knowledge behind them.
Applications must be submitted by Thursday 5 November 2020.
More information on the program and the application process is available at
Goldfields Library agencies open
The Goldfields Library agencies within the Loddon Shire have re-opened in line with State Government COVID-19 guidelines.
Visitor limits apply – with up to 20 visitors inside at any one time (depending on the size of the library). Goldfields Libraries is also asking for visits to be kept brief to allow as many visitors through the doors as possible.
Visitors are reminded to practice social distancing, use hand sanitiser and wear a mask, and to bring their library card or photo identification with an address.
Goldfields Library agencies are located at the Boort Resource and Information Centre, Dingee Railway Station, Inglewood Community Neighbourhood House, Pyramid Hill Neighbourhood House, Tarnagulla Community Centre and Wedderburn Community Centre.
As the opening hours and availability of each library agency vary, please visit or call 5449 2790 for more information.
Library agencies will be closed on 3 November for the Melbourne Cup public holiday.
Council elections
Voting for the Loddon Shire Council elections closed at 6pm Friday 23 October.
The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) will announce the successful candidates once counting of votes has been completed. The results will be available from the VEC website
The successful candidate for Terrick Ward has been announced with Dan Straub, who ran unopposed, the new Councillor for the ward.