Yemaya Festival on this weekend
Published on 20 April 2016
Up to 5000 people are expected to travel to Loddon Shire for the Yemaya Festival over the long weekend.
Loddon Shire CEO Marg Allan said the event would take place on a private property in Major’s Line Road in the Fernihurst area, following Council’s decision to grant a permit for the event at its March meeting.
“The festival promoter is working with Council and other authorities to ensure the event is run in accordance with a number of conditions designed to provide a safe environment for patrons and the general public,” she said.
“Council recognises that factors such as noise and traffic may temporarily impact on residents in the vicinity, and we are working with the promoter to minimise these issues.
“We are also aware a number of groups within the Shire are providing support to the event through the provision of services such as catering and traffic management and it is hoped they will raise funds which can be put to good use within the community.
“Businesses within the municipality may benefit from opening their doors to through traffic over the long weekend.”