Volunteer survey participant wins hamper
Published on 19 July 2018
Honie Tweddle from Boort has won a hamper of local produce after providing her thoughts on improving the volunteer experience.
Ms Tweddle (pictured) was provided with the prize by Loddon Shire Councillor Neil Beattie.
Ms Tweddle entered the raffle after completing a survey regarding volunteering in Loddon Shire. The survey, responded to by over 250 residents, will help inform the Shire’s draft Volunteer Strategy.
Residents of Loddon Shire were also invited to attend a community workshop to provide their ideas around volunteering and how the experience could be improved. Workshops were held in Pyramid Hill, Boort, Wedderburn, Serpentine, Inglewood and Tarnagulla.
Loddon Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Phil Pinyon said the surveys and community workshops had provided valuable feedback about how Council could improve the volunteer experience.
“On behalf of Council, I’d like to thank our residents for providing their thoughts on how Council can better support volunteers,” Mr Pinyon said.
Among the feedback have been suggestions about how to improve the rate of volunteering and better ways to recruit, induct and recognise volunteers.
“All this information will now help the preparation of the draft Volunteer Strategy, which is currently underway,” Mr Pinyon added.
The draft Volunteer Strategy is anticipated to be released for public comment in October 2018.