Unveiling Inglewood Hall’s grand restoration

Published on 23 October 2015

Hall Refurbishment team

Photo courtesy of The Loddon Times: Business, community and government leaders attended the official turning of the sod ceremony, marking the beginning of building works.

Loddon Shire Council has released drawings detailing an architectural view of what Inglewood Hall will look like once the building’s first major restoration in living memory is completed.

The move follows a recent turning of the sod ceremony, attended by community and business leaders including Loddon Shire Council Mayor Gavan Holt, Federal Member for Murray Dr Sharman Stone and Member for Bendigo West Maree Edwards.

Project Manager Adrian Lowrey said he was delighted to be able to share the drawings, which allow the community to see for themselves what one of their town’s primary focal points will look like in several months’ time.

“Having appealing public meeting spaces is so important for generating creative energy and building community spirit, and there was a definite buzz about this at the turning of the sod event,” Mr Lowrey said.

“Initial works to date have focused on clearing the site to set out the footprint of the building.

“This has involved the removal of old footpaths and the rear section of the existing hall.

“While it’s terrific to see work begin, I think viewing the drawings really gives people a better idea of what they can expect to be enjoying once work is completed in August next year.”
“I’m sure many residents will be happy to see the old kitchen gutted to make way for contemporary facilities which will complement the new supper room,” he said

Mayor Gavan Holt said, “This project, which would not have come to fruition without the joint financial backing of local, state and Australian Governments, along with a generous contribution from the Inglewood and District Community Bank, opens many wonderful opportunities for hosting a range of social and business functions.

“I encourage business and community groups to start to imagine the many and varied ways they will be able to utilise their public space.

“In the meantime, there a great deal of painting, plastering, repair and electrical work to do, before undertaking landscaping works.” 

Architectural views

Loddon Shire Council is happy to be able to give residents a clear idea of what their hall will look like when work is completed in the middle of next year.

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