Streetscape master plans ready to view
Published on 08 January 2016
Master plans for the development of the main street, town entries and key township areas in Bridgewater, Boort, Inglewood and Pyramid Hill are ready to view.
Loddon Shire Council Manager Community Planning Tim Jenkyn, said that following extensive community consultation and careful consideration for all stakeholders, master plan architectural drawings were ready to be put to the test.
“The plans are available to view online at and will also be on display in key locations in each township,” Mr Jenkyn said.
“It’s really exciting to reach this stage and Council looks forward to hearing your thoughts.”
Mr Jenkyn said the project team had worked hard to reach as many people as possible.
“From the earliest brainstorming stages of the process where we literally caught people walking into their local supermarket, post office or park, we’ve been seeking to actively engage community members and document their thoughts.”
“We’ve taken a grass roots approach to gain as much input as possible from the people who live in the towns we are seeking to improve, as their local identities are a wealth of information about where their town and its people have been and are heading as a community.”
“It’s our intent that our collective efforts will culminate in the development of streetscapes, buildings and communities equipped to share their story, grow their businesses and open new windows of opportunity.”
“To this end we’ve been working closely with Bridgewater-On-Loddon Development Committee, Boort Development Committee, Inglewood Development and Tourism Committee, Pyramid Progress Association, associated community and business groups in each of the towns during each stage.”
“However, the project has been led by Outlines Landscape Architecture and all feedback needs to go directly to them.”
“You can do this by logging onto the About Town website or filling out a survey which will be available at key locations within your town.”
“Where possible, we would encourage people to provide feedback online.”
“Simply click on the image of your town on the home page, scroll down the page and you will find a survey where you can respond to each of the design proposals.
“Feel free to also have a look around at the concepts for other towns, it’s always fun to have a look over the back fence.”
“We trust in doing so you’ll discover each streetscape projects a unique and remarkable image of an individual township which complements the surrounding landscape.”
“Council understands each town has strong communities which are proud of where they live and what they have to offer.”
“We look forward to the streetscape improvements encouraging and guiding future investment opportunities by presenting each township as an attractive place to live and do business.”
“These master plans guide the development and renewal of each of the picturesque towns within our municipality and are designed to enhance future prosperity.”
“As the design process is nearly completed I would encourage interested residents and groups to have their say.”
“The feedback period will remain open until the end of February, with final master plans expected to be underway in March.”