Spring – the perfect time to discover Loddon

Published on 03 August 2017

Whether you’re a lover of art, nature or history, or like to kick up your heels at a community celebration and a dance, then the Naturally Loddon 2017 Spring Festival is for you.

Launching on Father’s Day at Piccoli’s Star Spanner Sculpture Gardens, this year’s festival features 15 events located across the Shire over eight weeks.

Loddon Shire Council Mayor Neil Beattie said all of the events on the spring festival calendar showcased the Loddon region, its communities and natural wonders.

“It’s great to see a number of events making a return for this year’s spring festival, including the Wedderburn Vintage Machinery Rally, the Tarnagulla Strictly Vintage Fair and of course, the Pyramid Hill Fiesta,” Cr Beattie said.

“It’s also fantastic the festival will again include the Friends of Kooyoora Wildflower Show and the Terrick Terrick National Park activities weekend.”

Other events returning this year include the Boort Sculpture by the Lake Competition, which is part of the Boort show and the popular Boort Carp Eradication weekend.

“There have been a few events added to this year’s festival, including guided trips of Nardoo Hills, Wedderburn Spring Dance and the Heal Your Life one-day workshop,” Cr Beattie added.

“We’ve also had a couple of events that are normally held outside the spring festival come on board, including the Tastes of Loddon, where our region’s local produce will take centre stage.”

This year’s festival will also include the Wedderburn Open Gardens, where six stunning gardens will be opened – some of which have never been seen before.

There will also be a special matinee and evening screening of the Australian film A Road to Nhill (which was filmed in Pyramid Hill) to celebrate 20 years since the film’s release.

The Naturally Loddon 2017 Spring Festival will run from Sunday 3 September to Saturday 28 October.

Keep your eye out for a copy of the 2017 Spring Festival brochure, which will be sent out with Council’s August rate notices.

For more information about the festival, or for a copy of the brochure, phone the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on 5494 1257, email loddonvisitorinformation@loddon.vic.gov.au or visit www.loddon.vic.gov.au

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