Settlement Strategy - opportunity for growth

Published on 26 September 2019

Loddon Shire Council is seeking to provide for population growth through its recently developed draft Settlement Strategy.

This strategy aims to grow and invigorate Loddon’s population by ensuring a suitable supply of residential land in and around towns. This strategy is the result of a workshop with community leaders, an audit of housing, vacant land and public domain, a review of population and development data and community consultation. The strategy aims to support vibrant communities in a productive agricultural landscape.

In order to attract prospective residents, the strategy identifies the scope for development currently offered in the towns of Boort, Bridgewater, Inglewood, Pyramid Hill and Wedderburn, as well as smaller towns and rural living areas.

The Settlement Strategy recognises that there is an existing ample supply of vacant residential land and that demand may be encouraged through improved physical and social amenity.

The provision of a sewerage system in the larger towns has opened development opportunities for land owners and the strategy demonstrates Council’s commitment to supporting residents who may wish to further subdivide their existing township blocks, or build a second dwelling on their lot.

The draft strategy has been released for public comment and highlights the significant growth capacity in the municipality.

The draft Settlement Strategy can be accessed on the Council’s website at or at the Wedderburn or Serpentine offices. Alternatively, please contact the Council’s Planning Department to discuss the Settlement Strategy and how you may be able to further develop your property.

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