Seniors get that summer feeling

Published on 25 November 2013

Loddon’s sprightly seniors will be dabbing on the zinc cream and donning sun hats when Council hosts its annual Christmas dinner for the Shire’s older citizens on Thursday 5 December.

The event is open to all seniors in the municipality, whether or not they are members of its various senior citizens’ clubs.

Planned for the Serpentine Hall from noon, the social day will feature a "beach" theme with entertainment from musical duo Mantel, who performed at last month’s Seniors Festival Gala Day in Loddon, and a surprise visit from Santa. 

Lunch will be supplied at a cost of $10, which covers the meal, bus travel and entertainment.

Please RSVP by next Friday, 29 November, to your local seniors club or, for more details, phone 5437 7999.

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