Public information - Skinners Flat Reservoir Master Plan
Published on 05 March 2021
Loddon Shire Council seeks to develop a master plan for Skinners Flat Reservoir. Council will engage with key stakeholders and the community over the coming months to provide direction for the future development, recreational uses, management and maintenance of Skinners Flat Reservoir.
To address any issues around ad hoc development of the Skinners Flat Reservoir, Council has identified a need for the master plan, created through collaboration and consultation with stakeholders the community.
Planned community and stakeholder engagement will commence in March 2021.
The project will engage and consult with the local community, user groups, key government and non-government agencies, and other groups identified through the planning process.
In doing so this project will consider any recommendations in terms of delivery and maintenance to align with Council’s capacity. Future recreation activities need examining and all potential recreation activities will be considered in consultation with stakeholders.
This project contributes to Council’s strategic objective to “support development of a prosperous and diverse economy”.
To register your interest in taking part of the community consultation process please email or contact Loddon Shire Council on 03 5494 1200.