Public Consultation: Wedderburn Streetscape Improvement Project
Published on 27 January 2015
Loddon Shire Council has continued working on this project since the earlier public consultation process with the full detailed civil engineering design of the new streetscape, including improvements to the town drainage system. Following consultation with VicRoads, Council has now completed the detailed design plans for the first stage of the project, based on the earlier landscape architect’s plans, including new footpaths, kerb & channel, drainage, paving, car parking, tree planting, garden beds and undergrounding of overhead power lines.
The plans are now available for public comment and can be viewed online at the Loddon Shire website by clicking here, or by visiting the foyer of the Loddon Shire Council offices at 41 High Street Wedderburn where the plans will be on display from Thursday 12 February 2015 for a period of five weeks. These plans can be discussed at the Shire Offices with the Project Manager Adrian Lowrey on telephone 5494 1235.
Your invited comments can be made through either:
Mail: Wedderburn Streetscape Improvement Project
P.O. Box 21
Wedderburn, Vic, 3518
Comments and submissions relating to the Wedderburn Streetscape Improvement Project will be received up to close of business on Friday 27 March 2015.
John McLinden
Chief Executive Officer