Provide your ideas about Council’s customer service

Published on 16 November 2017

Residents of Loddon Shire are invited to attend a community workshop to provide their ideas around Council’s customer service and how it could be improved.

The workshops follow on from the customer service survey, which saw approximately 120 residents provide their feedback regarding Council’s customer service and areas for improvement.

The first round of community workshops will be held on Thursday 30 November at: 
• Pyramid Hill Senior Citizens Centre from 10am to 12pm
• Boort Senior Citizens Centre from 2pm to 4pm
• Wedderburn Senior Citizens Centre from 6pm to 8pm

Workshops will also be held on Friday 1 December at
• Inglewood Town Hall from 10am to 12pm
• Tarnagulla Senior Citizens Centre from 2pm to 4pm

Feedback received from the surveys and the upcoming community workshops will help Council to develop its Customer Service Strategy and Customer Service Charter.

Loddon Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Phil Pinyon thanked the community for their input into the strategy to date and encouraged community members to attend a workshop.

“We had a number of people who registered their interest in attending a workshop through the customer service survey, however, we encourage everyone to attend a workshop,” Mr Pinyon said.

“The workshops are a great opportunity to discuss in-depth Council’s current level of customer service and put forward further input and ideas as to how it may be improved.”

There is no need to register to attend the workshops, community members are welcome to simply turn up at the session time in their area.

For more information regarding the community workshops, call Council on 5494 1200.

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