Producers asked for feedback regarding gravel road network
Published on 09 October 2017
Loddon Shire Council is asking producers from across the municipality to provide information regarding what gravel roads they plan to use for this season’s harvest. This is to help Council prepare its gravel road network for the expected increase in heavy vehicles and traffic during the coming months.
Loddon Shire Mayor Neil Beattie said by providing information now, producers would be able to assist Council in planning for grading and maintenance works to the gravel roads.
“Council is asking producers within the Shire to provide this information in order to help Council prepare and plan before harvest gets underway,” Cr Beattie said.
“By getting the information now regarding what producers are planning for this year’s harvest, Council will be helped enormously in planning its grading and maintenance works beforehand. This will make sure specific roads that are expected to be heavily trafficked during harvest are ready for use.”
Council is asking producers what gravel roads will need to be used, how many truck movements and tonnes are expected, and roughly what dates they will be transporting for harvest.
“I understand that the use of certain roads, time periods and how many truck movements required during harvest season can change from year-to-year,” Cr Beattie added.
“However, any information our producers can provide Council regarding expected road use for the upcoming harvest will be of great benefit.”
Cr Beattie said that Council recognised that some flood impacted roads required maintenance before they were fully restored.
“Council will be appointing contractors to undertake maintenance works on roads seriously impacted by the 2016 flooding, with the view to making these roads safe for the upcoming harvest season before full restoration works are completed,” he said.
“Contractors are expected to be on board by the end of the month.”
In addition, Council has put out for tender the major contract for flood damage restoration works for sealed and unsealed road repairs; this tender was advertised from the end of last month.
Producers can provide Council with information regarding the upcoming harvest and gravel roads via email to