Notice of planning permit application 5469

Published on 01 October 2019

Planning application 5469 proposes the use and development of the land for a renewable energy facility (100 MW Solar Farm), utility installations (overhead 66kV power line and switching station), native vegetation removal within the Farming Zone and buildings and works within 100 metres of a Road Zone Category 1 (Calder Highway).

The affected land is 26 Derby Serpentine Road.

The application reference number is 5469.

You may look at the application and any documents that support the application at the Loddon Shire Council Offices located at 41 High Street, Wedderburn.

This can be done during office hours and is free of charge.

Please direct any queries to the Planning Department either in person or by calling (03) 5494 1200 or emailing

Any person who may be affected by the granting of the permit may object or make other submissions to the Loddon Shire Planning Department.

An objection must be in writing, state how you will be affected by the granting of the permit and be sent to:

Loddon Shire Planning Department
PO Box 21
Wedderburn 3518

Or emailed to

Objections received will be included within the official Council agenda and minutes, including personal information about the submitter’s identity and location. Agendas and minutes are made available to the public and on Council’s website.

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