Notice of Proposed Budget 2014/15
Published on 08 July 2014
In accordance with Sections 127, 129 and 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 (“the Act”) and the Local Government (Planning and Reporting Regulations) 2014, Loddon Shire Council gives notice that it has prepared a Budget for the financial year 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
Council resolved at its Special Meeting held on Tuesday 8 July 2014 to advertise the Draft Budget.
Council will hold a Special Council Meeting on Tuesday 12 August 2014, commencing at 8.30am, to adopt the Budget for 2014/15, subject to the right of any person to make a submission as set out in this notice.
Copies of the Draft Budget will be available for inspection from Wednesday 9 July 2014 to Tuesday 5 August 2014 at the Shire Offices Wedderburn and Serpentine between 8.15am and 4.45pm and at post offices, resource centres and Neighborhood House premises within the municipality.
In accordance with Section 223 of the Act, any person proposing to make a written submission on a proposal contained in the Draft Budget should do so before Tuesday 5 August 2014. Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Loddon Shire Council, P.O. Box 21, Wedderburn, Vic, 3518. Persons making written submissions should clearly state whether they wish to be heard in person or by a person acting on their behalf in support of the written submission.
Council will meet to consider any submissions and the adoption of the Budget at a Special Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 12 August 2014 at 8.30am at the Council Offices, High Street Wedderburn. Council will give public notice of its decision in accordance with Section 130(2) of the Act.
John McLinden
Chief Executive Officer