Notes from Loddon Shire - 28 September
Published on 20 September 2020
Loddon Shire community contact sheet
Last week, Council sent out a brochure to all residents with information regarding COVID-19, support and Loddon Shire service contacts.
This brochure, or community contact sheet, includes information about COVID-19 symptoms, keeping yourself COVID-safe, available support and Five Ways to Wellbeing – which focuses on five simple ways to improve your wellbeing. These five simple ways are: connect, be active, keep learning, be aware and help others.
There is also a list of service contacts across the Loddon Shire – including community health/GPs, mental health and youth services, financial services, food support, neighbourhood houses, COVID-19 screening for testing and many more.
If you haven’t received your community contact sheet in the mail, please call Council on 5494 1200 to have a copy posted or emailed to you.
You can also view the brochure on Council’s website at: and click on Loddon Shire Community Service Contacts.
COVID-19 Call-to-Test service
Vulnerable Victorians can get tested at home to help slow the spread of COVID-19 via the Call-to-Test service. The service is for people who have COVID-19 symptoms and cannot leave home due to injury, mobility or other eligible reasons.
It is available to people with an injury, chronic health issue or frailty affecting mobility, moderate to severe physical or psychosocial disability, and moderate to severe mental health or behavioural issues (not otherwise classified as a psychosocial disability). It is also available to carers for a person with moderate to severe disability.
You must be over five years of age to access this service.
Close contacts without symptoms can use the Call-to-Test service if they have been told by the Department of Health and Human Services to get tested and meet any of the criteria listed above.
To find out if you are eligible for this service, call the COVID-19 hotline on 1800 675 398 and select option 9.
Australia Day nominations reminder
Council would like to remind community members that nominations for the 2021 Australia Day awards are now open.
Council is receiving nominations for the Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Community Services and Community Group/Event of the Year awards.
Criteria and eligibility for the awards includes contribution towards values such as a fair go, concern for the environment, shared prosperity, participation in sport, cultural diversity, importance of strong community values and support systems.
Nominations are also open for the Community Service Awards. These awards recognise the outstanding contribution to the local community during the current year or noteworthy service to the local community over a number of years.
Nominations for the awards close Friday, 30 October 2020.
For more information or nomination forms visit or call Council on 5494 1200.
Australia Day competitions
Entries for the Australia Day 2021 competitions are open until 4pm, 30 October 2020.
The competitions, which are free to enter, include colouring (Prep to Grade 2), photography (Junior, Senior and Open categories) and literature (Prep to Year 12).
For more information or competition entry forms, visit or call Council on 5494 1200.
Return to Play webinar
Sports Focus will be holding a webinar titled “Supporting You Return to Play” on Tuesday 29 September from 1pm to 1.30pm and from 7pm to 7.30pm.
The free 30 minute webinar will provide advice and guidance around how clubs or associations can navigate a return to sport in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, including important factors that need to be considered when making decisions.
The webinar will also provide an opportunity to ask questions and raise concerns.
For more information or to register for one of the webinars, go to
Victorian Multicultural Awards nominations open
Nominations are now open for the Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence.
This year’s awards feature seven new categories. This includes the Community Response and Recovery category to honour the efforts of those who have assisted during the COVID-19 pandemic and the bushfires of early 2020.
Other categories include the Premier’s Award for Community Harmony, Youth Leadership Media, Refugee Advocacy, Police, Business, Community Innovation and Health.
Victorians can be nominated for either paid or voluntary work.
Award recipients will be honoured during an online ceremony hosted by the Victorian Multicultural Commission later this year.
For more information about the awards, eligibility or to submit a nomination, go to
Nominations close at 11.59pm on Sunday 11 October 2020.