Notes from Loddon Shire 26 October
Published on 25 October 2020
Projects update
Projects within the Loddon Shire are continuing to move ahead, with several projects completed or nearing completion.
Works in Kiniry Street, Boort are now finished, including underground stormwater drainage, new footpath as well as kerb and channel. A new footpath in Bridgewater in Lyndhurst and Lily streets has also recently been completed.
The bridge deck and guardrail on Sloan’s Road Bridge over Bullabul Creek south west of Bridgewater are complete, with works continuing on the bridge approaches, including guardrail. The replacement bridge is expected to be finished (and open to traffic) in early November.
Safety upgrade works continue to progress on the Old Inglewood Reservoir. Concrete for the spillway has been poured and remaining works to tie in the spillway and reservoir banks will occur once the concrete has cured. The project is anticipated to be completed by the end of November.
The tender for upgrades at the Boort, Pyramid Hill and Wedderburn caravan parks has been awarded with works expected to start by the end of next month. This will include road and drainage works, powerhead upgrades and new amenities blocks.
Contracts have been awarded for drainage works at the Pyramid Hill Swimming Pool car park and the Inglewood Tennis Club car park to alleviate water pooling issues. Works are expected to start before the end of the year.
Works to replace culverts in Kelly Street, Pyramid Hill on the Seven Months Creek are anticipated to get underway in early November. The works are subject to water levels within the creek and any subsequent rainfall.
North Central LLEN Youth Advisory Council
The North Central Local Learning and Employment Network (LLEN) is looking for young people between the ages of 15 and 21 to join their Youth Advisory Committee.
The committee is a great opportunity for young people living, working or studying within the Loddon Shire to have a say, be heard, get involved, meet new people, learn skills, and make a difference in a safe and supported environment.
The committee is seeking up to 24 young people for an initial 12-month period to represent the views and interests of their peers, and hear and respond to the voice of young people in the region.
Applications close Sunday 1 November 2020.
To find out more and to apply, visit or call Julie Slater on 0409 983 270 or email
Australia Day awards nominations close this week
Nominations for the 2021 Australia Day awards close this Friday 30 October.
Nominations are open for the Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Community Services and Community Group/Event of the Year awards.
Nominations are also open for the Community Service Awards. These awards recognise the outstanding contribution to the local community during the current year or noteworthy service to the local community over a number of years.
Entries for the Australia Day 2021 competitions also close this Friday 30 October.
The competitions, which are free to enter, include colouring (Prep to Grade 2), photography (Junior, Senior and Open categories) and literature (Prep to Year 12).
For Australia Day awards nomination forms, competition entry forms or more information visit or call Council on 5494 1200.
Loddon Songbirds Community Choir
Council, together with the Bendigo Loddon Primary Care Partnership, is encouraging community members to join the Loddon Songbirds virtual choir.
The choir is a chance for people from all parts of the community to come together and enjoy singing in a virtual choir via Zoom. It will be led by James Rigby, a musician and singing leader with decades of experience engaging with community singers.
Term 1 for the choir runs for six weeks, and will be held each Thursday from 10.30am starting from 5 November.
To register email Community Connector Bethea Robertson at or call 0417 520 249.
Volunteering@Loddon logo design finalists
Congratulations to the finalists for the Volunteering@Loddon logo design competition – Callum Hercus, Elektra Ward, Ella Hocking and Rhiannon Last.
The entries from the finalists have been shared on Council’s Facebook page (, with the winning entry to be the design with the most likes and shares from the community.
As well as receiving a $100 prize, the winning designer will be offered a chance to work with a graphic design artist on their logo before it is unveiled on International Volunteer Day Saturday 5 December 2020.
The logos are available for liking and sharing until Wednesday 28 October 2020 at 5pm.
Birds Eye View project
Applications for planning approval for the Birds Eye View Project have been submitted to Council and are currently on public notice until 30 October 2020.
The project, which is being run by Wedderburn Development Association and Wedderburn Community House, involves painting murals of endangered and threatened birds of the Wedderburn district in prominent locations by professional artists.
The painting of murals on three of the buildings – the Wedderburn Hotel, Randall’s supermarket and Wedderburn newsagency require planning approval as they are subject to Heritage Overlay.
To view the public notice and planning applications visit