Naturally Loddon Spring Festival events
Published on 11 October 2018
Nature in art and in life – is the sole focus of another packed weekend of activities in this year’s “Naturally Loddon” Spring Festival.
Running on 13-14 October, the program offers two free guided walks and the next instalment in the developing story of Boort’s renowned lakeside metal sculpture arts trail. The annual Boort Sculpture by the Lake competition, offering a total of $4,000 in prizemoney across five categories, is planned for 13 October in conjunction with the Boort show.
Competition co-ordinator Paul Haw said the event had been made possible by the generous donations of John and Sonia Piccoli, from the Star Spanner Sculpture Garden.
“We now have seven sculptures around Little Lake Boort, mainly as a result of the competition over the years,” Mr Haw said.
“On the day, people could include a walk around the lake to see these sculptures, as well as visiting the Piccolis’ gardens, which offer tours at 10am and 2pm daily, except on Mondays.”
Sculptures can be in any form, but must be made predominantly from metal items typically found throughout rural Australia.
Entries close on 12 October, with fees set at $20 for adults and $10 for juniors. For more information, go to or phone Paul Haw on 0417 333 171.
The second of this season’s guided walks in the Nardoo Hills Reserves, 12km north of Wedderburn, is on track for Sunday 14 October.
Bush Heritage Australia’s Victorian regional reserve manager, Jeroen van Veen, will lead the walk, which is designed to highlight the area’s vital role in protecting its resident population of more than 110 bird species, rarely seen native animals and diverse vegetation.
Mr van Veen said this next tour was booked out, but a waiting list is kept in case of cancellations.
“Last time, we had 30 participants and everyone really enjoyed the walk,” he said.
“Not that many wildflowers were out, but it looks like next time the landscape should be a bit more attractive.”
Established in 2004 and open for public tours since 2006, the four blocks that comprise the 1207ha Nardoo Hills Reserves support a mix of vegetation communities, including grey box, grassy woodland, box-ironbark forests and mallee.
The day is free, but donations to the work of Bush Heritage are warmly welcomed.
The indigenous flora and fauna particular to the Loddon River at Bridgewater will be in the spotlight at a “Walk and Talk” outing planned for Sunday 14 October.
Event co-ordinator Robert Scholes said the day had been organised on behalf of the Loddon Plains Landcare Network.
“Basically, we’re looking at running a guided walk or two beside the Loddon River at Bridgewater to look at the flora and fauna along its banks,” Mr Scholes said.
"Roberta Foster and I will lead the groups, talking about some of the indigenous plants that would have been used for food and fibre before white settlement.
“Marjorie May, an experienced botanical artist with exceptional local plant knowledge, will also be assisting with her expertise on the day.
“We’ll also chat about the birdlife along the river and native animals such as the platypus and water rat.”
The walks, starting from 10am at Mulwarrie Studios, 3 Serpentine Rd, will run between 10am and 1pm and cover from 2.5 to 3km. For more details, phone Mr Scholes on 0447 036 952.
For more details on the Spring Festival, phone the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on (03) 5494 3489 or visit