Murray River Group of Councils media release - Councils welcome Minister's actions to safeguard Victoria rivers
Published on 24 September 2019
The Murray River Group of Councils has applauded Victorian Minster for Water, Lisa Neville’s concerted actions over recent weeks to protect and safeguard water availability on the Victorian side of the Murray River.
“Minister Neville must be congratulated for her leadership and her tough stance to protect our precious rivers and our communities,” Murray River Group of Councils Chair, Cr Lorraine Learmonth said.
“By her actions to carefully manage water licences in the lower Murray and her announcement on tightening trade rules in the Goulburn, Minster Neville has shown once again that she is listening to our northern Victorian communities and is standing up for our region and our rivers.
“This summer starkly exposed the reality around deliverability in the system. With the increasing amount of water needed in the Mallee as plantings mature, this is only going to get worse.
“The interim controls on the Goulburn are welcomed as is the Minister’s announcement that she will consult with communities on developing a long-term solution that protects the river.
“These actions will increase certainty for existing entitlement holders in the Mallee and in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District, and critically they will help preserve our environment including the RAMSAR wetlands at Barmah and Gunbower.
“We also welcome the independent peer review of the Murray Darling Basin Authority’s deliverability work that Minister Neville pushed for at the Ministerial Council and the partnership with New South Wales to further investigate the constraints modelling.
“Without this detailed and accurate modelling, it is not possible to work effectively with communities on constraints planning and deliverability.
“The Murray River Group of Councils fully supports the Victorian Minister for Water as she continues to stand up for our irrigation communities and our environment,” Cr Learmonth said.
The Murray River Group of Councils comprises six councils in northern Victoria - Mildura and Swan Hill Rural City Councils and Loddon, Gannawarra, Campaspe and Moira Shires.