Loddon Shire Mayoral Column

Published on 07 September 2020


COVID-19 business impact survey

Council is asking local businesses in all sectors to complete a short 15-minute survey to help assess the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on businesses in the Shire and to create a support plan.

With COVID-19 having a significant impact on businesses and some sectors hit harder than others, Council wants to understand the economic impacts of the pandemic on our local business community.

Information from the survey will allow Council to identify challenges and priority areas on where attention can be focused. It will also be used to advocate to government and other agencies for support initiatives, where possible.

Businesses are being asked to complete the survey by Friday 18 September 2020. To complete the survey go to www.surveymonkey.com/r/XQQCJ5R

Information collected will be confidential and in accordance with Council’s Privacy Policy. You can view Council’s privacy policy on its website: www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Plans-strategies-and-policies/Policies

Business urged to get involved in Go Local First

Loddon Shire businesses are also being urged to get involved in the Go Local First campaign.

As part of the response to the impacts of COVID-19 on the small business sector, the campaign encourages communities to back small businesses by buying goods or services from them either in person or online. The campaign also encourages small business owners to use other small businesses as suppliers.

A variety of different marketing material will be available for businesses to use to promote the campaign and encourage the local community to Go Local First.

To find out more visit www.golocalfirst.com.au  

The campaign is funded by the Federal Government and delivered by the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA).

Further COVID-19 business information and support is also available from Council’s website www.loddon.vic.gov.au/COVID-19/COVID-19-business-support

Projects update

Council’s 2019/20 footpath program is now complete, following the recent completion of two footpaths in Bridgewater.

Underground drainage works in Kiniry Street in Boort are now finished, with works on the street’s footpath and kerb and channel underway.

Works are progressing well on the Old Inglewood Reservoir, with strengthening work on the reservoir’s banks almost complete and works on top of the bank also underway. Work on the strengthening of the spillway is anticipated to start in a couple of weeks.

Major demolition and construction works are due to start on Sloan’s Road Bridge this week.

Towns to receive electric vehicle chargers

Three of our towns will each see the installation of a 25 kilowatt electric vehicle charger, through the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance (CVGA) Charging the Regions project.

Wedderburn, Inglewood and Newbridge will each have an electric vehicle charger installed, which has been made possible through a Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) grant.

The electric vehicle chargers will be installed in Inglewood’s Market Street, adjacent to the community centre, at the Wedderburn car park near the public toilets, and opposite the general store in Newbridge (outside the public toilet block). 

The installation and locations for the electric vehicle chargers were approved at Council’s August meeting.

Candidate nominations open 17 September

The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) is reminding community members that nominations to stand as a candidate in the 2020 local council elections open on Thursday 17 September. Nominations close at noon on Tuesday 22 September.

Nominations must be lodged with the Election Manager during the short nomination period, so prospective candidates should act quickly to make sure they are prepared.

Prospective candidates should confirm their eligibility and complete the online mandatory Local Government Candidate Training before lodging their nomination. This includes candidates who are currently or have previously been a councillor.

The online mandatory Local Government Candidate Training is available at www.localgovernment.vic.gov.au/council-governance/candidate-training

Prospective candidates can also watch an online candidate information session and attend an online state-wide interactive candidate seminar at vec.vic.gov.au.

Candidate seminars will be held on Wednesday 9 September at 7pm, Sunday 13 September at 1pm and Tuesday 15 September at 5pm.

Women on Council workshop

Women’s Health Loddon Mallee will be holding a two-hour interactive workshop to explore experiences and strategies to support women across the Loddon Mallee standing as candidates in October’s local government elections.

It will share experiences of women in leadership with a regional focus, navigating online communications and key issues for candidates to consider. I’m very pleased to be invited to speak at the workshop, and there will also be an opportunity for discussion and questions.

The workshop will be held via Zoom on Wednesday 9 September from 4pm to 6pm.

Register at vlga.org.au by clicking on the Events & Training link and selecting WHLM: Women on Council workshop.

Sporting club grants open

Applications for the State Government’s Sporting Club Grants Program are now open until 29 September 2020.

The program provides grants to help in the purchase of sports uniforms and equipment. It also provides grants to help improve the capacity and accessibility of Victorian clubs and other community sport and recreation organisations, and increase the skills of their coaches, officials and managers.

Community organisations delivering sport and active recreation programs anywhere in Victoria may apply.

To find out more and apply visit https://sport.vic.gov.au/grants-and-funding/our-grants/sporting-club-grants-program

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