Mayoral Column

Published on 06 July 2020


Stay vigilant to stay well

The COVID-19 screening clinic in Bendigo has reported a high number of people testing positive for rhinovirus, which is the cause of the common cold. The spread of rhinovirus indicates that people may not be as vigilant as they should be in maintaining physical distancing, containing coughs and sneezes and washing hands.  These are the same precautions that need to be taken for coronavirus.

Good hygiene is critical for slowing the spread of coronavirus. Everyone should wash hands regularly for at least 20 seconds using soap and water or use a hand sanitiser. Hands should also be washed on arrival at home, at someone else’s home, at work or at a public venue. Also, wash hands after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing or using the toilet, and don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands. These measures will not only slow the spread of coronavirus but also the common cold.

Remember, don’t got out or go to work if you are feeling unwell. If you are displaying symptoms, contact your doctor or visit a screening clinic. For a full list of advice on how to look after yourself and others, visit the Department of Health and Human Services webpage

2020/2021 Budget adopted

At the last Council meeting, Council voted to adopt the Draft Budget which had been on public display for the past month.

The Budget keeps Council in a strong cash position and debt free, with items of note including an increase of rates by 2.0% in line with the Fair Go Rates System, an increased commitment to investment in information technology, strong investment in local road and related infrastructure maintenance, continued support for the aged services and early years programs and a capital expenditure program of $7.24 million.

The same resolution also included the adoption of the 2020/2021 Fees and Charges Schedule and an update of the Strategic Resource Plan in the Council Plan 2017-2021 to reflect figures included in the 2020/21 Budget. The updated documents will be available on Council’s website.

Support for community facilities

At the same Council meeting, Council also resolved to assist community facilities, library agencies and the Laanecoorie Camp Ground toilet to meet the re-opening and operating requirements related to COVID-19.

Council will use the Community Recovery budget to assist the committees that manage these facilities to undertake a deep clean and to purchase bleach-based sanitiser.

Subsidised kindergarten for three-year olds

When it comes to early learning, research shows that two years are better than one. That’s why three-year-old kindergarten will be rolled out in Loddon from next year.

Children turning three before 30 April 2021 are eligible for the new subsidised kindergarten program.

Kindergarten helps prepare children for life in the everyday and educational world by encouraging the development of listening, speaking, sharing, taking turns and being part of a group. It is a special year that gives children the opportunity to learn about themselves and develop confidence through play.

Enrolments for places in Council’s five Kindergartens programs for 2021 opened on 1 July 2020. More information and enrolment forms may be found on our website:

Parks and gardens

As part of the delivery of works to our community, the Townscape Services Team has been busy undertaking tree replacement and pruning in Inglewood, Pyramid Hill and Boort. In addition, large area mowing continues in all our towns, along with the usual garden bed maintenance.

Pyramid Hill Outdoor fitness equipment:

You may have noticed some works happening in Kelly Park, Pyramid Hill recently, with concrete poured at the site where new outdoor fitness equipment will be installed. Once the equipment goes in, a rubber surface will complete the project.

This initiative of Loddon Shire in conjunction with the Healthy Heart of Victoria aims to address an area of need highlighted by the Pyramid Hill community in the Active Living Census, by providing access to exercise equipment and encouraging people to be more active, more often.

The recently released results of the Active Living Census highlighted that more than 50% of people in the Loddon Campaspe region want to be more active. Once operational, the fitness equipment may be used by people of all fitness and age levels to improve balance and strength.

The Healthy Heart of Victoria is an initiative aimed at improving the health of people in the Loddon Campaspe region – the ‘heart’ of Victoria. The Healthy Heart of Victoria projects support people to be more active, encourage healthy eating and reduce rates of obesity, chronic illness and high-risk health behaviours.

The program has already successfully installed outdoor fitness equipment in Boort and Wedderburn. The Pyramid Hill project had been delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Digital literacy webinars for farmers

Improving digital literacy and connectivity is the focus of a series of webinars which will be delivered by Agriculture Victoria in coming weeks. The webinars aim to help farmers gain confidence in accessing technology to improve on-farm decision making.

Each of the four webinars has a different focus: on-farm connectivity, getting the most out of video meeting software, the Internet of Things and online networking.

There is also the opportunity to participate in an on-farm digital technology audit, conducted by phone by Agriculture Victoria. Participants will learn how to understand and better utilise their existing technology.

To find out more, or to register for the any of the programs, download the flyer There is also help available to register for the webinars by contacting Gavin Beever on 0438 234 886; or email: 


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